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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Hi again, detectives :happy:

I'm looking for a ... it might be difficult for me to explain...


A mod which enables all water to reflect its surrounding including the character we play. I know that Natural Environments has beautiful water but... it doesn't have any reflection of my character when she stands near it....


Thanks in advance :blush:


(ah yes.. the search function is off.. that's why I'm taking my inquiry here...)

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@ pujangga


Have you tried TweakOblivion? (Povuholo correct me if I mistake)

I remember that you must change a few parameters in oblivion.ini to enable the water reflections and if I don't mistake with that utility you can do this easy.

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@ pujangga


Have you tried TweakOblivion? (Povuholo correct me if I mistake)

I remember that you must change a few parameters in oblivion.ini to enable the water reflections and if I don't mistake with that utility you can do this easy.

You can use the TweakOblivion utility but it's not very difficult to do it yourself:


Open the oblivion.ini at my documents/my games/oblivion. Find the lines:







(Your settings could be different)

Whatever you'd like to be reflected should be set to 1.

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Again, Detectives! :wacko:

No, it's not me who shout a plea for help.... it's my father. So, he's in Rythe Llathandas house, taking the quest "Brush with Death" or something like that :blush:

So, Pa has finished the quest, Rythe has been saved, but the door Rythe drew hasn't showed up....

Is there a fix for this one?


Ah yes, thanks again for the reflection tips ;D

Although my new shot doesn't show the entire reflection, but the water looks nice 8)

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My friend placed a mod here. It has to disable the waiting times as guildmaster. This means, Grand Champions (Arena) can fight as much animals as they want, Masters (Fighters Guild) can change between 'recruiting' and 'finding contracts' every time, Listeners (Dark Brotherhood) can go to the Night mother (a.k.a. The Lucky Old Lady) always...



There is a small mod that schould fix this all! I, however, dont know how to find it. Can you guys help?









P.S. Please excuse my English typing, i'm from another country.

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