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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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I'm looking for a mod that would standardize the weight of all my alchemy-created potions.


Alchemy is a bit of a pain to manage, and with the bug/feature that makes all subsequent potions have the weight of the first potion I created, having to worry about the weight of potions is not something I particularly care for. I know there are mods to reduce the weights of ingredients, but Im hoping to find something that keeps ingredients as they are, but makes all the end-products (potions and poisons) weight exactly the same thing. I dont really care what the value is, anything from 0.1 to 0.5 is fine, but I want my watermelon/pumpkin Restore Fatigue potion to weight the same as my apple/cheese Restore Fatigue potion. :)


Does such a thing exist?


That can actually be done in Wrye Bash's bashed patch. Just check out the included documentation for the instructions.

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Hope that's the right place for that question ... oO


Naw, however, can't really go wrong at all ^^


After surfing a little bit through tesnexus, I found some really good looking armors. Amond the pictures, I found some, that made me be very amazed:





How or where n god's name can you get such pretty faces oO


Thanks in advance for answers!

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Hope that's the right place for that question ... oO


Naw, however, can't really go wrong at all ^^


After surfing a little bit through tesnexus, I found some really good looking armors. Amond the pictures, I found some, that made me be very amazed:





How or where n god's name can you get such pretty faces oO


Thanks in advance for answers!


Those two look like members of the Sulhwa race.

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hi there. i'm looking for a mod i had before that added sounds to the player when they casted magic similar to the spell singer mod but not so cutesy sounding. the voices where pitch shifted and altered to sound like an evil sorceress was casting them. i was wondering if anybody know which mod this was. i belive it came with three voice choices in it. if anybody know where this is i would very much appreciate a link.
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Is there a mod that will allow me to swap the 'E' and 'spacebar' to match Fallout 3? Can it be done without a mod? I keep jumping in front of containers and doors! :blush:


I have searched but can't seem to find one.


EDIT: I guess I may as well ask while I am here...is there anything like Better Living Through Chems for Oblivion? You know, drugs w/visuals and effects?

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Is there a mod that will allow me to swap the 'E' and 'spacebar' to match Fallout 3? Can it be done without a mod? I keep jumping in front of containers and doors! :blush:


I have searched but can't seem to find one.


EDIT: I guess I may as well ask while I am here...is there anything like Better Living Through Chems for Oblivion? You know, drugs w/visuals and effects?


I am not sure if I am authorized or qualified to answer any question here, but I wish to make a suggestion.


I cannot help you on the first question, but I can help you compromise on the second one. There is a mod called Intoxicant Improvement v2

(http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5297) that changes the look of all the spirits and potions in the game, with textures courtesy of Ceano, Doofdilla, Laurinque, and Mark Quinn. In addition to that, you now have the ability to become inebriated after consuming an alcoholic beverage, so much so that you can pass out drunk for a few hours in game. To top it all off, you can brew your own spirits (Both features are taken from an original mod by Lap.) As for skooma and other drugs in Oblivion, I am afraid I cannot help you there. II v2 does add new textures for the Skooma bottles, courtesy of Haydox, but that is it. All in all, a very nice mod for visual effects, but just for visual effects.

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Thanks Sealwarrior, I'll check it out.


Anyone on the key binding? The E for select and space for jump just seem more natural to me, no mods to change the controls?


go to the menu, find controls, then bind it yourself. i can't believe i just typed that.

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Hi Mod Detectives!


I am looking for the mod that changes the way the official Oblivion mods are presented to you. The mod makes it so you have to discover the new quests instead of simply telling you about them as soon as the game loads.


I used to have this on my Oblivion install long ago, but I can not seem to find it now.



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