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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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I want to make my characters faces look better.. i dont mean prettier.. i just want to make it easier to customize the face of the character, anyone have a mod suggestion?


i use a mystery way of creating a good character and i'll explain exactly how i do it but it probably won't make sense, hence the mystery.

i find a sexy game save, import that face and race onto my character with wrye bash, customize face ingame via showracemenu in the console(might delete level progress, might not), then i switch my race to what i want to be. by then i might look good but if i don't i keep importing the face and for whatever reason it looks different. like sometimes i change the race, import the face, then change the race back and i get other varied results. i don't really get it but i've made a lot of decent looking characters with this merging process! here's an example.

http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/8469/oblivion201003241641487.th.jpg http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/8991/oblivion201003241615043.th.jpg http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/8365/oblivion201003241642242.th.jpg

basically you should find a good base to use then start tweaking from there.

i wonder if this was even what you wanted :tongue:

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i used to have a mod that recharged enchanted weapons at ayleid wells.. if you stood next to one it would recharge over time, i had to reinstall oblivion and now im looking for the mod but i can't find it, anyone know where it is?
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Hello everyone. :happy: I hope someone could help me out. I'm looking for one armor for female characters. It looks like retextured dark seducers armor (the color is black) and it has some chains and I think it was for Exnem body. Thank you. :blush:
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I've heard it exists, but I can't find it. Where is the mod that allows your character to pick up and move bodies? It shouldn't take five in-game hours to throw that bandit's body off a bridge.


Movable Bodies



You welcome! :turned:





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Hello everyone. :happy: I hope someone could help me out. I'm looking for one armor for female characters. It looks like retextured dark seducers armor (the color is black) and it has some chains and I think it was for Exnem body. Thank you. :blush:

The only one I can think of is Bast.

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