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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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I know that I'm not the only one that has made one of these libraries:


I took all the info in the CS and made cells, each with the name corresponding to the directory that it displayed. I then took all the objects, and placed them into the cell. Then I spread them all out so that I could see them.


This library was very useful. It made it easy to select the specific stuff from a visual library. This took a lot of the time out of searching for that right tapestry or which door style you wanted to use. I recently did a wipe of my hard drive and forgot to back up the library esp I had so diligently built.


Does anybody else have or know of such a library? I would have uploaded mine to the nexus, but was afraid of spreading the virus I had to get rid of.


Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.


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I downloaded a high resolution Oblivion pack (Oblivion the realm, not game) a few months ago. I can't find it anywhere now. Tried on google but you come up with alot of diff things talking about the game, and not the realm.
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Is there a mod that reduces the chance of a stagger? Not completely remove it, but make it so this doesn't always happen:


1. Bandit spots me, moves in to attack.

2. I hit bandit, bandit staggers.

3. Bandit hits me, I stagger.

4. I swing at bandit, he blocks, I recoil.

5. Bandit swings at me, I block, he recoils

Repeat this 10 times, until someone finally dies. :verymad:


That can barely called combat. Maybe at level 5, but a lvl 42 master blades-man should know how to handle a blade by now.

I mean, I supposedly have the ability to paralyze, knock down, or disarm, but I never see those because of the relentless staggering. :mad:

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Does anyone know what mod this is? Pose or other wise.




That's pretty hot. I second this


Estrus does something extremely similar, but not exact.


They both have a tentacle rape monster though! Not sure what this green one pictured is from, someone really should find out.

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