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ARGH! I hate private stuff, what is the point of making it just for yourself and hoarding it? What are you losing by sharing?!


People seem to forget that a lot of modders make items for their characters alone, so that they are unique in almost every aspect. Their face, hair, clothing, weapons, etc... all designed and created to allow them to be completely different from anyone elses characters. Creating something and then handing it out to the masses means that creation loses some of what made it special. It can be something amazingly popular and extremely well made, but it'll never have that 'uniqueness' it once had.


The fact that a lot of modders share what they create is a secondary benefit that people gain from. Yes, there are modders out there who create things purely for other people to download and enjoy but there's a great many who don't. They make it because THEY want it personally, not because they think you or anyone else - might. If something isn't available to the community, there's no point complaining about it. If the modder ever decides to share their previously withheld creations at some point in the future, that is their choice. As is keeping it to themselves.


Modders have no mandate stating they must share their works, they do so because they want to, not because they are obligated to. So instead of people having a round of complaints about the stuff you don't get to play with, be thankful for what you do get.


Just my thoughts on the matter.


I have to agree with Vampire Dante here. I have made race mods, and shared them, and then after seeing the disgusting things people have done with them have decided any more race mods I create I will be keeping to myself. The reasons people do not share are varied, as are the reasons people might post the pictures. As an example, I myself would probably post pictures if for no other reason than to add additional examples of my texture work to my portfolio. If somebody sees and wants something they can't have it isn't my problem, especially because I am posting them to my own private websites and accounts.

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Yes, and I mean realistic like it could be used in real life.


Not too many that can be classed as 'proper' real armours, I'll post a few things that *might* find your interest, but no promises.


This might add something you want:



Might be a little too fancy for you:



Few others:














name here101: Try looking at Hentai's Lovely House, I think it might be that: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29106

I use the first, the second one is too fancy, but they are overall very nice...

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ARGH! I hate private stuff, what is the point of making it just for yourself and hoarding it? What are you losing by sharing?!


People seem to forget that a lot of modders make items for their characters alone, so that they are unique in almost every aspect. Their face, hair, clothing, weapons, etc... all designed and created to allow them to be completely different from anyone elses characters. Creating something and then handing it out to the masses means that creation loses some of what made it special. It can be something amazingly popular and extremely well made, but it'll never have that 'uniqueness' it once had.


The fact that a lot of modders share what they create is a secondary benefit that people gain from. Yes, there are modders out there who create things purely for other people to download and enjoy but there's a great many who don't. They make it because THEY want it personally, not because they think you or anyone else - might. If something isn't available to the community, there's no point complaining about it. If the modder ever decides to share their previously withheld creations at some point in the future, that is their choice. As is keeping it to themselves.


Modders have no mandate stating they must share their works, they do so because they want to, not because they are obligated to. So instead of people having a round of complaints about the stuff you don't get to play with, be thankful for what you do get.


Just my thoughts on the matter.


I might sound like a child on this matter but after literally 5+ hours of trying just to get the hat to work only to have it fail dramatically and to know lots of people (They were giving it out before and stopped, same for the one other exact-same model mod) are sitting with it just kinda irks me. I understand wanting to have it be unique and special but that doesn't mean I have to like it. It's annoying.


On the off hand, nothing is unique about Red Mage artifact armor, it's ripped directly from FFXI.


Just my unhappy thoughts. >_>

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Yes, and I mean realistic like it could be used in real life.


Not too many that can be classed as 'proper' real armours, I'll post a few things that *might* find your interest, but no promises.


This might add something you want:



Might be a little too fancy for you:



Few others:














name here101: Try looking at Hentai's Lovely House, I think it might be that: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29106



Sweet i love this house mod its exactly like the one in the pic! thanks :smile:

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