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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Good thing this thread exists! I really cant ask a search engine to find a mod for me!


Anyway, I'm looking for a certain mod


1. Is there a mod to actually SKIP the Wait Time? Y'know, when you press T and you wait for 5 hours for example, there will be a countdown. I want to SKIP that, it's pretty annoying if you wait for 24 hours and you'll be waiting for like, 24 seconds?


2. Is there a mod to actually TRANSFORM all NPC to be like Ren's Beauty Pack Mod? So all the NPC will be nicer looking than some rusty old man. Lol!


3. Is there a mod for the system to not ask me how many items I want to sell or buy? My suggestion is to ask me how many when I hold and press Left Shift Key (For PC)


4. Looking for a nice Male Armor. There are always female armor pack, female undies pack but never a Male Armor Pack <_<


Thanks you!

Please correct me if I'm wrong, Please ask me for detail for what the heck am I asking about, and so on! =)

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Good thing this thread exists! I really cant ask a search engine to find a mod for me!


Anyway, I'm looking for a certain mod


1. Is there a mod to actually SKIP the Wait Time? Y'know, when you press T and you wait for 5 hours for example, there will be a countdown. I want to SKIP that, it's pretty annoying if you wait for 24 hours and you'll be waiting for like, 24 seconds?


2. Is there a mod to actually TRANSFORM all NPC to be like Ren's Beauty Pack Mod? So all the NPC will be nicer looking than some rusty old man. Lol!


3. Is there a mod for the system to not ask me how many items I want to sell or buy? My suggestion is to ask me how many when I hold and press Left Shift Key (For PC)


4. Looking for a nice Male Armor. There are always female armor pack, female undies pack but never a Male Armor Pack <_<


Thanks you!

Please correct me if I'm wrong, Please ask me for detail for what the heck am I asking about, and so on! =)



emm lets see I take no responsibility for your loss lol so make backup of your whole directory.


1: as I cant be 100% sure but maybe my guess is the reason that it might take seconds in rl is to clear npc cell data but I'm not sure about that maybe someone else knows.


2:TRANSFORM all NPC to be like Ren's Beauty Pack Mod? well I personally use Beautiful people http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5175 it combines Ren's Beauty Pack and Mystic Elves and a few others you should read through it all though so you know what your getting into, I believe it should change and make everyone look beautiful, what i did was personally use it and install ren's files as well but not any of ren's esp's as beautiful people should handle it i think. so far iv had no problems, and I remember i needed to install Ren's beauty pack for some hair styles or textures so i did but i didnt use any of the esp's that came with Ren's


I'm not a great moder just I test a lot. and so far my setup is working fine.

and I also installed http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13312 Merged Beautiful People 27 - Various Mods just to go with some other things.


before you install anything I would read description and even comments to make sure it adds up to your own installed mods. But i believe beautiful people does make everyone beautiful and contains Ren's.


3: Glad you asked about this I would also like to know so I'm going to do a quick search, http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...ail&id=1897 it says With this mod, you can disable the quantity prompt ("How many?") that you get when clicking on an item stack. Item are then moved one by one. You can enable or disable the quantity prompt with the ctrl key.

I think I will use this it sounds good. its called Toggleable Quantity Prompt but better to go here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12859 as its TESNEXUS!!


4: again I'm still in training on this what male armor packs you after for what body type? most people use Exnem or fantasy figures as they depict the most perfect human, elf female form on the planet.


Some use BAB or Growlf, and Eshmes body types. There;s a few more i think, Personally I use Exnem, and i would consider making a new game with Fantasy Figures, as in my opinion those two are the best but i think Exnem is for female characters, not sure about either really even Fantasy Figures could be just for female bodies. anyone know this please correct me, I'm guessing your body is standard in game? Well either way I think i would only know about Female bodies lol *blush ^^//

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1. Hmm, thanks anyway :)


2. I've downloaded and am using Beautiful People Mod right now, and add a bit of "Natural Faces" mod if I'm not mistaken. Yes, their face now looks cool, handsome and beautiful but still, i want to change the entire town NPC's hair into ... maybe something like, Ren's Hair 07? Yeah, I don't want to see anymore bald peoples running around the town! hehe..


3. Whoa! I tried it and loved it! but have to get used to it. Uhm one more question; is it possible to run OBSE_loader.exe with Oblivion Launcher screen? Y'know, the window with Play, Data Files selection? I tried to copy OBSE Launcher into Desktop, change its name to Oblivion with OBSE, change the icon so it would look exactly the same as original Oblivion icon and it's working ... but with no original Oblivion Launcher menu. *Sigh*


4. I'm using Exnem :)

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I've seen a mod on Youtube which is massive desert, Don't know about quests, NPC's. Looked on tesnexus and googled but was unable to find one, or something that was close.


Also on the Image Share on tesnexus seen pictures of peoples characters using two swords (a sword in each hand). Couldnt find a mod, Is this actually a mod or was it PhotoShopped/Edited.





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1. Hmm, thanks anyway :)


2. I've downloaded and am using Beautiful People Mod right now, and add a bit of "Natural Faces" mod if I'm not mistaken. Yes, their face now looks cool, handsome and beautiful but still, i want to change the entire town NPC's hair into ... maybe something like, Ren's Hair 07? Yeah, I don't want to see anymore bald peoples running around the town! hehe..


3. Whoa! I tried it and loved it! but have to get used to it. Uhm one more question; is it possible to run OBSE_loader.exe with Oblivion Launcher screen? Y'know, the window with Play, Data Files selection? I tried to copy OBSE Launcher into Desktop, change its name to Oblivion with OBSE, change the icon so it would look exactly the same as original Oblivion icon and it's working ... but with no original Oblivion Launcher menu. *Sigh*


4. I'm using Exnem :)



2: about npc's hair I think that would mean changing a number of files wait your npc's are all bald or just some? I'm sure its possible it doesn't sound impossible, well if you can import Character Hair from a save file why not from a mod? but i guess that might involve editing or a specific mod that changes it, sounds like a Construction set job to me. I searched but with no avail i will try again every so often. perhaps someone else found it sorry lol


3: I guess thats sorted out xD but i never bother with it i mean who wants to use the old launcher when once you set the options you can just simply run the OBSE loader, but i think I understand you want to limit desktop shortcuts? i have like a few shortcuts on desktop one for oblivion mod remover, oblivion mod manager, oblivion launcher, OBSE, I really love oblivion mod remover http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7557


4: Exnem rules i know but iv also become fond of Fantasy Figures, as its more Anime based body. have you tried out http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11402 Exnem Armor and Cloth Replacer for Oblivion and SI and not tried this yet http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...vionMods.Detail Heaven's Fury Armory for Exnem for both male and female.


Haven't checked this but i installed it http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13818 Blame for Exnem male or female, a typical Exnems search on tesnexus should bring up all mods from tes I search male in the description if its not there then its probably just females, or with female and male armor sets which is what you can use, but I'm also still searching for more perhaps a set with all of them in one or something not the stock clothes and armor but the extras that are exnemised.



Thebil the robe looks quite cool, it looks also Japanese and cant really tell but possibly Fantasy Figures body though having said that its probably Exnem and I'm being laughed at, reason why i say Japanese is because it reminds me of Rinoa from Final Fantasy 8 whats the main site you found that picture from It would help in searching I could be wrong altogether haha I don't have much self confidence do I. Will try to search again more the Internet is just so big by myself I'm in a giving mood because i took a lot from the site lol.


edited- maybe that robe is a variation from using this mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2567 Robes Upper Body Only, lets you equip any robe and mix it with something else, but personally i dont think so it looks joined to the bottom half, thought its nickname would be Rinoa Robes. Will keep searching. hmm that body could be Eshmes maybe too.


Beautiful Watch V1.1 seems to be the only one i can find also but i believe its rated low because some hate how their chests got a bit flat chested because of the armor, maybe it needs meshes of some kind to fix that other wise it should still be alright just not anatomically correct if you use Exnems uber body chest.

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I know it exists, I just forgot the name, but I'm looking for a mod that makes people not look hideous. I know about Ren's Beauty Pack but it creates a new race, which I really don't care about. I'm fine with making a fairly stock oblivion character, but no matter what I do, their faces look awful. Is there a mod that improves faces without having to use a custom race?
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Without having to use custom race? maybe just Improved Facial Texture? or Natural faces http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5643 and/or http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1965

I really cant say I use Beautiful people 2.7 combined with Ren + Improved facial texture which although adds custom race i think its cool the custom race doesn't hurt the game you can still pick other races and everyone in the world is beautiful for the superficial. besides Beautiful people is probably the best since it adds loads of different colour and style of eyes. for anyone wondering I also use Soya 4 hair pack http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6881 which adds cool hairstyles personally i use http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13399 as it combines Hairs from Ren + Soya + KDs Hair Styles - All-in-One and Babe hair http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11210. Then all you need if your using custom race to use http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1815 to fix it. and your good to go.

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