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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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2: about npc's hair I think that would mean changing a number of files wait your npc's are all bald or just some? I'm sure its possible it doesn't sound impossible, well if you can import Character Hair from a save file why not from a mod? but i guess that might involve editing or a specific mod that changes it, sounds like a Construction set job to me. I searched but with no avail i will try again every so often. perhaps someone else found it sorry lol


3: I guess thats sorted out xD but i never bother with it i mean who wants to use the old launcher when once you set the options you can just simply run the OBSE loader, but i think I understand you want to limit desktop shortcuts? i have like a few shortcuts on desktop one for oblivion mod remover, oblivion mod manager, oblivion launcher, OBSE, I really love oblivion mod remover http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7557


4: Exnem rules i know but iv also become fond of Fantasy Figures, as its more Anime based body. have you tried out http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11402 Exnem Armor and Cloth Replacer for Oblivion and SI and not tried this yet http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View...vionMods.Detail Heaven's Fury Armory for Exnem for both male and female.


Haven't checked this but i installed it http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13818 Blame for Exnem male or female, a typical Exnems search on tesnexus should bring up all mods from tes I search male in the description if its not there then its probably just females, or with female and male armor sets which is what you can use, but I'm also still searching for more perhaps a set with all of them in one or something not the stock clothes and armor but the extras that are exnemised.



Thebil the robe looks quite cool, it looks also Japanese and cant really tell but possibly Fantasy Figures body though having said that its probably Exnem and I'm being laughed at, reason why i say Japanese is because it reminds me of Rinoa from Final Fantasy 8 whats the main site you found that picture from It would help in searching I could be wrong altogether haha I don't have much self confidence do I. Will try to search again more the Internet is just so big by myself I'm in a giving mood because i took a lot from the site lol.


edited- maybe that robe is a variation from using this mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2567 Robes Upper Body Only, lets you equip any robe and mix it with something else, but personally i dont think so it looks joined to the bottom half, thought its nickname would be Rinoa Robes. Will keep searching. hmm that body could be Eshmes maybe too.


Beautiful Watch V1.1 seems to be the only one i can find also but i believe its rated low because some hate how their chests got a bit flat chested because of the armor, maybe it needs meshes of some kind to fix that other wise it should still be alright just not anatomically correct if you use Exnems uber body chest.


2. So it's possible but I have to change the NPC's hair one by one in the CS? Guess I'll have to read the tutorial section later.. Thanks


3. Yep, I used the hacked version of OBSE and it works fine 'cept when I swing my sword around, the power attack occurs too fast! dunno what affect it @_@


4. I checked around Corwyn Fantasy Figures and I still love Exnem Eyecandy! haha... nothing beats Exnem! 8) . Oh, thanks for the Heaven's Fury Armor! It rocks! I'm looking for something like this!


Ah, nice mod this one http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2567 Some considered it a cheat because you can enchant extra equipment that you're wearing but I think it is not! Because back in Morrowind, you can still wear Robe underneath Armor!

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If you get the hair working and make a mod out of it upload it to the site I'll be your first fan lol power attack is fast? hmm i think i get what you mean, some weapons i equip are fast and slow and i wonder if its a weapon thing, weird thing for me is im running so many mods and i don't know which one is making my character fast even when i wear heavy armor and heavy weapons i still slash quickly, something messed up somewhere maybe. my heavy skill and or athletics or blade skills aren't that high. meh who knows something i have to find out what mods messing it up, oh yeah this mod is cool Amazing Jump http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11449 i'm not sure if it messes up your skills for athletics, but without it i could of swore i could back flip at high athletics and acrobatics. with this mod its really cool but i wonder if it alters anything its best to backup whatever it overwrites. If i find any more cool armor for exnems on my trip I will post em, if anyone wants a set of Exnem French maid outfits pm me i'll try and send them to you, i lost the link its some japanese website but i tested it out and works fine, but its only for female body. I wouldnt have a male running around with french maid outfit lol pm me your email or something and ill send you it.


meantime i recommend http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10544 black luster and http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13481 oonas outfitters both have many sets of armor but again think these are only for female body, male body emm I can only think of Kibuka that looks decent but its not meant for exnem otherwise when i used my female with it the chest size would be bigger lol http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7806


here's some armor that was missed a few posts back you know that one with the sick decapitated err eww someone looking for a specific armor the one with the top part was black luster << found in this post above link black luster set the bottom is this one Dark illusion armor for exnem http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12785

and retextured version http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13708 Blood Illusion and Arcania armors for Exnems body by Plipo. hope these links make people happy



edit- about Francesco maybe beautiful people would be in a specific load order and Francesco's as well , in order for them to work together? like load Francesco's first maybe?

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Hmm, I just thought out of an idea...

How about a mod that replaces ALL NPC into something better, but still required Rens Beauty Pack. Example ; Replace Bravil's Smith into a handsome guy like Kadaj in FFAV or like Rinoa in Ff8 rather than some old woman or bald guy. But then again, it's all can be done in CS? Hmm, I have to really try that later! I played Oblivion for some time now and got bored with those same NPC all the time! Lol!


Thanks Herolegend! I'll save all those links you provided!

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If you can show us the screen shots and we might be able to find what your looking for. Pics can help determine names in searching, for instance that decapitation pic from before.
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right Iv seen those before, your in luck however they maybe very similar if not uncanny, there does seem to be a slight curve edge on the stockings in 2nd pic I wonder if its a different set or a camera angle, in any case tell me if these are what your after I must stress i lost the direct link http://oblimemo.borialis.org/2007/11/04/210/ but its somewhere linked through that site, if you still have trouble finding it then pm me your email i'll send you directly.
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k Iv had some time to check for you http://www.4shared.com/file/26377687/8b5c4...C_v102.html?s=1 these are Fishnet Lace Stockings SetEC they look similar if not exact as those pics, maybe the mesh was a bit off on the 2nd which is why i thought it was a style of stockings, iv seen my bird wear some which are of different types and shapes. is that what your looking for? here is also one that s pretty cool style French maid outfit http://www.4shared.com/file/28560602/153eb...ks_v11.html?s=1 also for EC



Once installed you will find them both in Bruma one outside Nordwinds Shop on the left the other inside Nordwinds



edit= here's a cool Black Dress clothing http://www1.axfc.net/uploader/15/so/N_35775.zip.html keyword= ob


Dress found at the bottom of http://oblimemo.borialis.org/2007/12/15/706/ pics there.

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