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A loong time ago I found a website about the imperial legion for oblivion. It was a work in progress at that point. Does anyone know where I could find more information? It was made by someone called Logam or something.


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hey -_- i didn't make them :P i KNOW the guy that made them :P i didn't do it xD (i wish i could)


btw, i think the weapons aren't as 'great' as he says... just so every1 knows it :P


and btw elpemmy: i'm in a fan union, and logam is member too :)


the alpha is already done :P

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i know several versions of this exists, however, i know not how to find this one, or how to make it myself.

everything for my interface so far rocks, except for the icons on the map.

i happened accross this pic while looking at some of the awesome screenshots on file.

if you could point a direction to either the mod, or a tutorial, or even someone else who know how to create it,

that would be greatly appreciated


(this is a link to my photobucket, not sure how to upload images into posts, sorry)


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Hello all,


A few days ago I downloaded from tesnexus this mod:



the problem is the file only includes an .esp and I cannot remember what EXACTLY it is supposed to do, neither the author. Is it a patch for using a specific exnems cloth replacer with oscuro overhaul? Is a patch to make Grhys's Complete clothing/armor replacer compatible with OOO?

I've tried to research the file various times, but I haven't find anything. Could someone help me please?

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Can anyone point me to a persistent "war" mod? Most of the ones I've found either dont have names and/or are not showing up on tesnexus, then again I could be way off on the names to begin with.


Persistent "war" = ability to defend a place/stronghold (ir)regularly, something like a Helm's Deep situation, only Oblivion-ed. I even heard of one that allows


Some of the mods I've found are part-in-part this, but I cant find names for them, or if I do, arent released on tesnexus.


I know there's a couple out there, and also mention of some sort of golem totem pole thing thats already in vanilla Oblivion (of which I have no idea wtf it is)



second request: Animated wings.


I've only found videos of proof-of-concept ones on youtube, and of course Alexander's great wings mod, but having them static whilst flying around isnt helping my sense of immersion. IIRC, there was work on a animated wing mod in the past, but I dont think animated and wing are in the names. I've searched :/

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second request: Animated wings.


I've only found videos of proof-of-concept ones on youtube, and of course Alexander's great wings mod, but having them static whilst flying around isnt helping my sense of immersion. IIRC, there was work on a animated wing mod in the past, but I dont think animated and wing are in the names. I've searched :/


Well I have searched too, and have not had any luck either. But I did find this: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9720 it would require some skill in blender but you can paste your wings on to the skeleton, export, and you have instant animated wings. (I havent messed with this yet, so I don't know how user/noob friendly this is.)

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