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I'm still looking for the mod that lets you enchant your own arrows. Or is it just OBSE?

The closest I've see to this is Arrow Enchanter over at Planet Elderscrolls. EDIT: Came across this mod, SINAZs Fletcher Arcana.


I saw a mod that lets you enchant your own arrows. I'm thinking it may just be in the OBSE. Am I correct? I really don't want to download OBSE. I'm not very good at this mod business and I don't need anymore to confuse me. Could you please find it for me? Or just tell me if it's OBSE.

I'll reference you to Arrow Enchanter over at Planet Elderscrolls. I know I've seen an OBSE Arrow enchanter somewhere on TESNexus, but I can't seem to find it again. EDIT: Came across this mod, SINAZs Fletcher Arcana.


p.s There was also a mod with people hunting you if your infamy went to high.

Here you go: Player Hunters Fame and Infamy on TESNexus. Another mod similar to that is Lynges Dark Brotherhood Assassins.


I'm looking for an LOD mod. One that gets rid of the far view whenever I'm in combat, and restores it once I'm out of combat.

You could try Combat FPS optimizer or The Nearly Perfect Frame Rate Optimizer (requires OBSE).

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Men, i´ve been searching like half an hour a fkin well-made Lycanthropy mod!!!! This is unreal, the TesNexus werewolf mods are hilarious... could you find me a good mod abour Lycanthropy? I mean a normal one you know... like vampiric transformation, but with werewolf.


I think all mods i´ve found about this are useless, because in some of them u´re not a real werewolf, u only use an ''armor'', and in others u need to be holding a strange weapon to become werewolf and guards want to kill u...


Thanks 4 reading! :)


I do not know did you seen this ,but I think this what you are looking for.

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Men, i´ve been searching like half an hour a fkin well-made Lycanthropy mod!!!! This is unreal, the TesNexus werewolf mods are hilarious... could you find me a good mod abour Lycanthropy? I mean a normal one you know... like vampiric transformation, but with werewolf.


I think all mods i´ve found about this are useless, because in some of them u´re not a real werewolf, u only use an ''armor'', and in others u need to be holding a strange weapon to become werewolf and guards want to kill u...


Thanks 4 reading! :)

I do not know did you seen this ,but I think this what you are looking for.

Or, if you don't want to use OBSE, try the Werewolf mod contained in Modular Oblivion Enchanced (also available on TESNexus here), it is mod #15 "Lycanthropy and Lichcraft." More details in the FAQ section of the mod description. Here's a screenshot (M.O.E. has a lot of screenshots!).

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To make my sweater question easier to find. Hear is a screenshot of the sweater.

Try Private Messaging the person who uploaded the screenshot. I looked at the Lattamer screenshots, they are uploaded by the author; you could try contacting CapsAdmin and asking him/her the name of the mod that adds sweaters. I hope that helps.

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OK, I have a weird one...


Are there any mods that feature a skinny or grotesquely skinny male or female?

I don't support the starving look nor do I find it attractive in any form.

Years ago, one of my favorite games of all times was realsed- Tenchu: Stealth Assassins.

One of the missions featured Manji Cultists. They were pale, skinny, and creepier than I could explain.

Since I like things that give me a good scare, I thought it would be cool to make a cultist class.

All the body replacers seems to be slightly thicker than the vanilla body. I assume that it's not possible to get any skinnier than the vanilla body.

But if it is, and it has been done, can I get a name?



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