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Looking for this lips texture http://www.borialis.org/test/wp-content/up.../10/eq10811.jpg

I found it in http://translate.google.com/translate?u=ht...en&ie=UTF-8 (man, that's terribly long!) but the source file seems to be broken. If anyone got it, share it please.. Her lips is really sexy

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Faivon I think I remember using that before might be a head texture that changes the lips like a high rez texture I remember using one a long time ago? hmm whats the name of the source file on the site?


wow look how high rez this face is http://oblimemo.borialis.org/wp-content/up...8/03/up5893.jpg and check those lips out , hmm wish we could use these face mods http://oblimemo.borialis.org/wp-content/up...8/03/up5901.jpg

http://oblimemo.borialis.org/wp-content/up.../03/eq13304.jpg really stunning faces and textures /sigh I might have a mod your looking for fai but i need to know the name of what files missing on the site.


does anyone have those faces and or hairs above by any chance?

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Gawd...! I want those face textures!

I already have high rez resolution textures for Exnem and I believe the face textures in in Omake folder but when I copied them to my Oblivion folder, I can't see the difference...or is it only me? hmm

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Faivon I think I remember using that before might be a head texture that changes the lips like a high rez texture I remember using one a long time ago? hmm whats the name of the source file on the site?


wow look how high rez this face is http://oblimemo.borialis.org/wp-content/up...8/03/up5893.jpg and check those lips out , hmm wish we could use these face mods http://oblimemo.borialis.org/wp-content/up...8/03/up5901.jpg

http://oblimemo.borialis.org/wp-content/up.../03/eq13304.jpg really stunning faces and textures /sigh I might have a mod your looking for fai but i need to know the name of what files missing on the site.


does anyone have those faces and or hairs above by any chance?


It looks like Ren's mystic elf with a texture change, remember in the char gen in Oblivion that you can change the colour of the lips in terms of making them more red or flushed, can't remember the correct word right now, so try experimenting a bit, I noticed that they are not very nice on that site with bad comments to us.

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can you search the mod where you can find white assassin clothes in a chest behind the tavern in choroll?


its also good if you find only any other mod with white assassin clothes :thanks:

Not sure about one that adds clothes behind a tavern in Chorol. However, here are a few: Hashshashin Armor, and Armor of the White Fox. The Mystic Archives Expanded adds a set of retextured (a very nice looking silvery-white) DB armor, but I'm not sure if you can get it out of the display case or not. Frostleaf Leather Armor isn't advertised as assassin armor, but check the screenshots, maybe it'll fit the bill, so to speak.


I found these mostly by typing in "assassin" and "white" here at TESNexus and over at Planet Elder Scrolls (link is to the search page). It's possible that the armor/clothes you are thinking of wouldn't turn up on those search parameters (my TESNexus searches looked for words in the titles of the mods, while the PES-searches looked for a match in the mod description). Could you provide details about the armor/clothes -- what it sort of looks like, any name it might have, the author of the mod, et cetera?

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@Davidtheslayer: Thanks! I'll look into it


Another request:

Can you guys recommend to me any mods that delivers a high level dungeon without any godly requirements? I already have Silgrad Tower, The Lost Spire and Lost Paladin of The Divines. I have already tried Francesco with MMM but I think they alter the basic gameplay pretty much alot too sad.gif

How about MMM alone?

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Already have that :D

Clear that one out in level 15 or so without any godly power and medium slider difficulty~ Pretty challenging though..

I also has Verona House Bloodlines quest (haven't tried though)

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