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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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I'm looking for a mod that just adds some armors or weapons to the leveled list and further make the enemies who are above level 20 stronger.

No, I won't go for MMM, Fran or OOO or even FCOM. They mess with my gameplay alot...

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I'm looking for a mod that just adds some armors or weapons to the leveled list and further make the enemies who are above level 20 stronger.

No, I won't go for MMM, Fran or OOO or even FCOM. They mess with my gameplay alot...

I can help with the first part of your request: Armamentarium adds loads of new armor and weapons. To get it into the leveled lists, however, you will need to download the Armamentarium4NPCs mod, which will require trollf's Armamentarium - Katanas. The Armamentarium4NPCs is a work in progress -- however, it does work, and the in-progress part is, I think, more to ensure compatibility with other level-list altering mods (such as OOO). I've used the mod a bit, and it works right off the bat, with new characters or old characters.

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I'm looking for a mod that just adds some armors or weapons to the leveled list and further make the enemies who are above level 20 stronger.

No, I won't go for MMM, Fran or OOO or even FCOM. They mess with my gameplay alot...

I can help with the first part of your request: Armamentarium adds loads of new armor and weapons. To get it into the leveled lists, however, you will need to download the Armamentarium4NPCs mod, which will require trollf's Armamentarium - Katanas. The Armamentarium4NPCs is a work in progress -- however, it does work, and the in-progress part is, I think, more to ensure compatibility with other level-list altering mods (such as OOO). I've used the mod a bit, and it works right off the bat, with new characters or old characters.


I see, I already download Armamentarium but hesitant to install it and add the NPC add-on but thanks for the input, I will try it later ;)

I just don't like major overhaul because they don't let us choose which part we want and which part we don't want. It's liek forcing people to install the whole thing. Yeah, I know they got some optional add-on but the major overhaul is still in the core and can't be taken out. *sigh*

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I see, I already download Armamentarium but hesitant to install it and add the NPC add-on but thanks for the input, I will try it later ;)

I just don't like major overhaul because they don't let us choose which part we want and which part we don't want. It's liek forcing people to install the whole thing. Yeah, I know they got some optional add-on but the major overhaul is still in the core and can't be taken out. *sigh*

If you want something really vanilla-like, try Mithril and Orcish Weapons. I've played with this one a little bit, it's not bad.


Here are some other armor/weapon-adding-to-leveld-list mods I found when I searched TESNexus and Planet Elder Scrolls: Jounks Polearms (adds polearms -- two-handed weapons -- to the leveled lists and merchants), Explorers Oblivion (adds "Superior" versions of armor, starting at level 26), Sin's Expanded Light Armor Fixed (adds reskinned versions of vanilla armor, starting at lvel 20), Horse Armor Revamped (if you want more types of Horse Armor to pick from), Ayleid Meteoric Weaponry (adds new weapons), Bob's Armory: Oblivion (adds all new armor and weapons), MCs Staff Pack (adds staves via vendor and/or (your choice) the leveled lists).


There are some overhaul-ish mods that do let the user pick-and-choose -- take CDM-TC (CDM's Total Conversion) or M.O.E. (Modular Oblivion Enhanced) for example. You can also find some real gems in "tweak packs" - I use a couple of the plugins from Krystina's Tweak Pack and one or two from Com's Tweak Pack. I like vanilla gameplay, though there are a few things I want changed -- hence, the tweak packs, and mods that target very specific aspects of gameplay.

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I know there is a Mannequin mod out there because I had it before. Except now, I can't find it on the site.


Any help would be appreciated. :thanks:

Reznod Mannequins. If you want the textures from Reznod Mannequins Better Textures DV, simply unpack the mod, copy the textures from the mod and paste into the appropriate folders of the English version of Reznod's Mannequins. Same deal if you want to use the white marble textures from Reznod Mannequins Spanish Edition AND White Marble Textures. Personally, I use the Better Textures, though I prefer the white marble for the female stone mannequins because that one eliminates the peculiar blue-green color from the female mannequin's face even better than the Better Texture's female stone textures (which, in turn, eliminates the blue-ing effect better than the original textures). I still use the Better Textures male stone textures because it matches the pedestals in the Battlehorn Castle Enhanced mod.

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Ok, so apparently I was ignored


I'm still waiting for a reply regarding my question about the Double Jump Mod, I've seen enough mentions of it that I know it exists. My problem is that there was no links following those mentions, so I've been searching and haven not found it yet. I need to see the scripting in this mod for my project; I'm making a Bleach mod that will have a way to "fly" by having multiple jumping.

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