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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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I guess they are tough requests, but I would be truly indebted to the person who finds these mods for me. I know they are out there somewhere.

Are you looking for 'Ghogiel's Akatosh Mount Resource'? http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.ph...=696541&hl=

The link you need is: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TZAPTXV4


And maybe for 'Star Ship Orion' or 'Sky Ship' by Bond? http://oblivionsrealestate.com/Hovering_Ho...ring_homes.html


The direct downloads are: http://oblivionsrealestate.com/Hovering_Ho...r_Ship_Orion.7z and http://oblivionsrealestate.com/Hovering_Homes/SkyShip.7z


But you may need to register before at Oblivion Real Estate, as it isn't so free anymore after an hack attack.

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I guess they are tough requests, but I would be truly indebted to the person who finds these mods for me. I know they are out there somewhere.

Are you looking for 'Ghogiel's Akatosh Mount Resource'? http://www.bethsoft.com/bgsforums/index.ph...=696541&hl=

The link you need is: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TZAPTXV4


And maybe for 'Star Ship Orion' or 'Sky Ship' by Bond? http://oblivionsrealestate.com/Hovering_Ho...ring_homes.html


The direct downloads are: http://oblivionsrealestate.com/Hovering_Ho...r_Ship_Orion.7z and http://oblivionsrealestate.com/Hovering_Homes/SkyShip.7z


But you may need to register before at Oblivion Real Estate, as it isn't so free anymore after an hack attack.


Thanks alot for your help, but all of that stuff requires a paid subscription. I'll keep trying; at least I know what to look for now. You know, I myself am a fan of the madgod...

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looking for a vampire mod, that does these:


1: Keeps you young so no change in age

2: keeps eyes the same

3: doesn't alter the face so it looks like its morphed



tried vampire aging disabled, tried Vamp Morphs, none seem to work for NEC characters, one eye dissapears and turns brown/orange with kelaeh and all mystic elf eyes turned vampire but faces change, age occurs still, when i feed it changes a bit my character stays young but still the shape of the face changes, rather frustrating i take it a decent vampire morph doesn't exist?


personally the way it was in some movies when a vampire doesn't feed it grows old looking and turns ugly, but when you feed, you stay young forever, I believe that was from the vampire movie with tom cruise etc.. forget the name.


maybe someone will make a decent vampire mod that works with custom races as well hehe

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looking for a vampire mod, that does these:

1: Keeps you young so no change in age

2: keeps eyes the same

3: doesn't alter the face so it looks like its morphed

I don't know how the other Vampirism overhauls based off Kiyoshi's work, but Elderina's Vampirism and Scorn's Vampirism rig it so you retain your old appearance normally, and can reveal vampiric appearance to feed/if you go too long without blood. The problem is that the eyes change as soon as your character's "Vampirism" attribute is above 0, and you need to have it above 0 to feed. Same with the face morphing, (Though it morphs more at higher vampirism) so nothing short of an overhaul mod actually removes the appearance alltogether. You might look at Circuitous' and ThrottleKitty's Vampire Aesthetics, though, which makes the vampirism face-morph look significantly better. (The eyes still change, though, but the age offset is turned down so vampires actually look younger.)
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i want funny mods.... other than that slaughterfish sword and halarity spell ones. please.

Humor is often subjective. That aside, I used the TESNexus advanced search with the keyword "funny." Results were mostly boring, but when I saw and read the description for Rideable Sheep, I just couldn't resist downloading the mod. I might also suggest Loading Quotes of AWESOME, though I haven't yet played with this mod installed.

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