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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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Aye i'm sure, It was in the latest uploads bit when i looked... It had nothing to do with dual wield it was something to do with changing the way your character holds the twohanded weapon. :thumbsup:


:thanks: :thanks:


Although its kinda scary how i tried searching everything to do with it and nothing came up, possibly deleted? :(

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Another missing mod!!! :O Story..


A while back i was doing my daily TES nexus check, when i came across this awesome mod, just what i was looking for, it changes the way your character holds his/her 2h weapon to have it resting on their shoulder... I then remembered my Oblivion was f*cked biggrin.gif so a while later (about now tongue.gif) having bought a new copy and installed everything again, i can't find that mod for the life of me, i've looked everywhere and i really want it sad.gif anyone remember where it is or what to search, or even better just give me the link? biggrin.gif


Reagards - Zwill


Also posted this on the wrong forum :D oh well. :blink:



Here is what you are looking for im an omod format:




link to thread on the official forums where the discussion took place:




file titles are jap idle anims 1 and 2, can't remember which is which off hand but reading that thread will give you the answer.




if you need the non omod version pm me here or at the official forums with your email and I will send it to you.

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I'm looking for a mod called UniqueBlades. It's from a japanese site and they don't really like to re-up the mods.


If I remember the mod has a different battle stance(similar to DMC stylish)

and a spell thats like "unlimited blade works" from fate/stay night


I have googled and everything but I just can't seem to find a working dl link for it.




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:wallbash: Wooo! thanks!!! at last..my character will look dignified when holding that stupidly oversized bustersword... :D :D Thanks all.

:thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:


Spam *cough cough* :whistling:

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quite simple Chingun go here http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=6339 and either comment and ask or click the author and message them don't forget to give them the link of the picture your talking about and i'm sure if you ask nicely they will tell you, from what iv read now its you don't want the hair shiny, thought you wanted it shiny before lol
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I found a mod at one point in time that revamped vampirism to make you more powerful as you drank more blood. If I recall correctly at 100% vampirism you were immune to sunlight damage and such. Could anyone help me out?


*Edit* Also it had blood vials/flasks.



Don't blood vials already come with the game?... hmm... ive got alot of mods installed, i'll uninstall them all one by one, see if the blood vials leave the game, if not then they come with it. The areas i've seen them are the Dark Brother Hood Sanctuary and castle whatsername, the one with the countess who hates argonians, she feeds them to the pale lady. Well anyway go kill the pale lady, then check her basement place for the vials of blood.

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could you direct me to the mod that allows you to level your skills over 100 AND still gives you bonuses for them?

by "still gives bonuses", I mean that in vanilla, if you used cheats to level skills such as blade over 100, your damage would still be that of level 100 (if I'm not mistaken).


thanks much!

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