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....I have not even considerd setting it to black and white. -writes that tip down- Well, i'v recolored it using many other methods so, practice is practice and practice is good! :thumbsup: Im gona have to try that strategy with some of AL's other stuff though >_>




Seconds that... wow... o_O That easy?

* goes to play with the Tricorn in Photoshop *

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Do anyone know any expression/emotion control mods other then the actors in emotion to achieve expression such as this:

My link

My link

Thanks in advance



I suppose you want something like this?

If so, there is a bad news and a good news. Good news: it exists and it's called Ct_addpose Ordinary or something like that. I have it in a pose pack but the creator of this would strangle me if I shared it.

Bad news: Each pose has its different face expression. The expressions are not a different package.


yea thats very close to what i am talking about I suppose i couldn't get that pose pack any else where huh :unsure:

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Well the b/w strategy depends on the textures you work with. If you want the entire thing to have just one color, go for it. Playing around with the contrast settings helps too.


But eeek, the Tricorn? O.o What color do intent to use for that thing O.o I mean - even the glow maps are blue. *imagins yellow tricorn*

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Does anyone know of any good combat mods that enable dual weapon wielding? (like so your character can wield a second weapon in their off-hand instead of just a shield)


I think Unnecessary Violence was supposed to do this but for the life of me I couldn't figure it out. I didn't like that mod anyway, way too many bugs, very outdated, and the creator has obviously abandoned it.

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You mean you have to change the weapon itself in order for it to be use offhand? You can't just change some scripts to allow any weapon to be offhand? Darn http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sad.gif


But I'll try that, thank you!

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Romuska Fantasy Store has a ton of weapons that are scripted for dual weild use. The thing is that you have to find those weapons since they are random drops in a really hard dungeon. But combined with DMC stylish sword dancer those are the best dual weild weapons around imho.
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