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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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A while back I had a mod that allowed you to control Sheogorath's army and train them in battle situations. You would ask this guy, in his throne room, and you would become the commander. To get a scenario you talked to Haskil, and choose which map, and if you want to defend or attack. Once on the battle field it gave you a certain number of funds to create your own army. You could select from just about all of the mobs, you could even give battle orders on how to attack. Ex. Attack west, east, assign squads, etc. I had to uninstall everything and I've lost the mod! D: Hope yall can find it, thanks! (I hope the lengthy description helps :3


Maybe Daedric Wargames?


Thank you so much! :D Now to create my epic battles! :3

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what is the best mod for Dual wpn wielding? i found a couple and im a bit confused on what is best


(what do you use)


as well as what is this sword



Edited by peppock
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I'm actually wondering about two mods. I suspect they may be private, unreleased armors but I thought I should ask about them anyways.



^either one in this pic but the one on the right takes priority^




Sorry about such a huge post.

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@ peppock

I think that the sword you want it's imported from Morrowind.


@ suidery

The armour on the left is called Battle Princess. Google it and you should find a mediafire link. The one on the right it's a mash up or something. The skirt is taked from Lancer Dread Armour.


@ AzzaBVB

Try Curse of the Hircine. I'm writting from my phone, can't give you a link right now , but it's on Nexus too.

Also, remember next time that this a topic where you ask for things that you know for sure that exist. For example, you've seen a picture, you had it and don't remember the name, etc. For your kind of question Mod requests board exists. Maybe someone will make it for you if your mod doesn't exist.

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@ peppock

I think that the sword you want it's imported from Morrowind.



yeah if i remember it was from vegabond i think? dragon hilt type of sword found inside of a floating boat (half sinking) in morrowind was a very nice wpn :( too bad i dunno how to transfer it for Oblivion lol



I use Elvantals Dual Wielding but since oblivion doesn't have real DW so most fitting animations for that comes from some combat mods. (DeadlyReflex or DMC animations.)


thanks i think ill use this since it mentions an auto-script to remove when sheathed which is nice instead of looking like a dummy holding 1 wpn out and having 1 sheathed lol

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anyone know where the glowy horse can be found



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