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Oblivion Mod Detectives


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what about these can someone identify and link them


That one is from The Cursed armor, a very adult and weird quest mod. You can get it here, if you find the download link. I've heard he's working on a new version so you might have to wait until release to get the new armor model.


The table is from a pose mod called CTAddpose Hentai.


Warning: Extreme sexual content in both of these links. If you are a child your brain will stop developing if you click them.


o0o0o0o0o thanks man your a god send

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There is a dress that look's like the second one on the nexus it's all black and has no gloves with it. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25014


The gloves are from hentaicompilation, seduce outfit.

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thank you for quick answer :)


it's not that easy to find cause people seem to be crazy about these elven dresses, so I've came through many pages of unrelated results. Could you give me the modder's name perhaps? (I hope it's not extremely stupid question, I supposed the "Arwen" is a part of the mod's name ;) )

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