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if npc is dead set stage to a certain # otherwise set this #


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i'm just learning how to make scripts reading through the g.e.c.k site and it seem a little vague on adding the getdead into a trigger script or quest section


what i want it to do is when i enter a room or another cell .. i want it to check is soandso is dead and if so skip to a farther part of the quest line otherwise continue as normal with the next stage involving the npc


im trying to add a few conditions to the trigger in case the player killed the npc before they got the quest and it will skip that section and make the player guess what that person would have help them learn


here is my guess at what its sopposed to say but apperntly something is wrong with it since geck keeps asking me to save when i try to close


Scn questnameStage20Script       ;used questname for example will change to real quest names when using it 

Begin OnTriggerEnter player

if (ActorRef.GetDead == 1) Setobjectivedisplayed questname 60  ;if the npc  the (actorRef) is dead skip to stage 60 and complete stage 10 for entering the room 
Setobjective completed questname 10 1

ElseIF (ActorRef.getDead == 0 )  SetStage questname  20 ; if npc is not dead set the stage to 20 and complete stage 10 for entering the room 
SetObjectiveCompleted questname 10 1




any tips / help would be great

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SetObjectiveDisplayed takes two parameters. Also, you aren't setting a stage here if the NPC is dead, just displaying an objective. That's ok, if it's what youe want. Just an FYI that the stage numbers and objective numbers don't necessarily track each other.


Scn questnameStage20Script       ;used questname for example will change to real quest names when using it  

Begin OnTriggerEnter player 

if (ActorRef.GetDead == 1)
Setobjectivedisplayed questname 60 1 ;if the npc  the (actorRef) is dead skip to stage 60 and complete stage 10 for entering the room  
Setobjectivecompleted questname 10 1 
SetStage questname  20 ; if npc is not dead set the stage to 20 and complete stage 10 for entering the room  
SetObjectiveCompleted questname 10 1 



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@SonOfCapiz -woot

thank you for those links :) it should save me a lot of eye strain looking for misplaced periods and such \O/





right i add the objectdisplay to have the next step apear on the screen when the criteria has been met to advance, i prob should make it display the completed step before displaying the new step. just not sure how to code it to check if the npc is dead ontrigger and send the quest in the correct path, i shall test out those links and check back

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i'm just learning how to make scripts reading through the g.e.c.k site and it seem a little vague on adding the getdead into a trigger script or quest section ...

if (ActorRef.GetDead == 1) Setobjectivedisplayed questname 60

You are using the correct function "getdead". But, if this syntax is legal, I have never seen any script use it. In this scripting language, AFAIK, you can only put one statement per line, and an "if" must have an "endif" even if you have only one statement. (It looks like you are assuming C/C++ syntax). It would have to be:

if ActorRef.GetDead
  Setobjectivedisplayed questname 60 1

(Also including the missing argument for the function as pointed by others.) You should really use geck powerup if you are doing any script development. This is the only way to see syntax errors for yourself, rather than having to post each one and wait for somebody to help.

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hmm i see that now that you mention it, guess i get carried away sometimes throwing in diffent code formats

also i notice some spaces where there shouldnt be cleaned up some of the mess with the aid of the power up seems to be valid Yipee


Scn checkisdeadscript

Begin OnTrigger player

If (SarahWeintraubREF.GetDead == 1)
	SetObjectivecompleted Checkisdead 10 1  ; objective to finish just for entering Vault 22.
	SetStage Checkisdead 60 ; goes to a stage where i must continue with out her help 
	IF (SarahWeintraubREF.getDead == 0)
		SetObjectiveCompleted checkisdead 10 1   ;objective to finish just for entering Vault 22.
		SetStage checkisdead 20 ; she isnt dead and get to the talk to her to progress easily.


sarah seems a little goofy so i had to include her


appreciate the feed back, kudos for all .-* \o/ *-.

Edited by adinaq
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The usual process is add a script to the NPC whose death you want to track and have it update a quest variable.

Like so (script attached to the NPC):


Begin OnDeath
Set MyQuest.MyQuestVariable to 1


And then check for a value of 1 for MyQuestVariable in the MyQuest script. Do not forget to include a comment in your MyQuest script and in this script mentioning the linkage.

Basically you want to modularize your coding specific to the events you want to track... tends to make the game less unstable and, for me at least, reminds me what I was doing.

Edited by Astymma
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