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Catastrophic Failure of Animations


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The problem: Animations on some creatures and some NPC's will not function. The creature/NPC are frozen in one pose and levitate around, or preform physics defying bends and twists, sometimes sinking through the ground/floor. Player animations function normally. Sometimes and NPC/Creature's animation works just fine, then with a look away and look back, it is "paralyzed"


Uninstalling and reinstalling has not worked. Updating repeatedly has not worked. Archive invalidation is invalidated.


List of Installed mods: (number after mod name is load order)


Fallout3 00

turbrrCompound 01

MMM 02

DynamicCrosshair 03

AlternateStartRoleplayers 04

1PipboyPDA 06

Disguises 07

223RepeaterRifle 08

Armored Duster 09



What the hell is the malfunction? Also what is the fix.

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When you did the uninstall, did you make sure that the fallout data directory was gone or at least empty? I'm assuming you mean you uninstalled Fallout and not just your mods. And does the problem persist when you un-tick all your mods?
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Since your mod list is not all that long, I would suggest creating a new character and systematically deactivating one mod at a time until you see a change.


I would also suggest doing the same thing with just the Fallout.esm activated. Just be sure you use a new save or character.


If you still see the problem then there must be some leftovers somewhere in your data file. If that’s the case you may have to uninstall the game as usual and then manually go back to your program files to remove anything left behind because the uninstaller often leaves things behind that weren't there before (mods and the like). I came across this problem when I had to uninstall Oblivion.


Hope this helps... I'm still pretty new at this myself and I'm not all that familiar with your chosen mods.

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Its ok now I found the problem. Somehow the view distances for everything were set to zero. A simple reset of the graphics settings and all is working.


Feel free to help me figure out what caused that.

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Its ok now I found the problem. Somehow the view distances for everything were set to zero. A simple reset of the graphics settings and all is working.


Feel free to help me figure out what caused that.


Haha never had that one before :thumbsup:

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