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Need help adding a static mesh to an armor


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There must be someone here who can tell me how to add a static model or part of a weapon to an armor? I have tried finding info about it on the net but I haven't found anything useful and I really want to do this because it's for a mod. Something else that might be useful is how to reposition an armor piece and still make it visible in the game. For example, moving a bracer to the shin. Edited by Moire
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For armor, you will have to weight all the vertices. Just adding a mesh without weights will make it show up in odd places or not at all. Moving a mesh without reweighting it, for example from the shoulder to the leg, will cause it to keep moving as if it were attached to its previous position, in this case your shin guard will be moving around as your shoulder moves instead of with your leg.
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Thanks for replying. I weighted the vertices but the problem is, it still doesn't show up in the game or the CS. I was trying to add the tail spikes from this mod http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28655 to the arm of an armor. Here is what I did:


1. Opened the tail armor in blender, deleted the tail and skeleton

2. Imported the new armor, deleted the skeleton, repositioned the tail armor and deleted the new armor.

3. Imported the skeleton from the tail armor with parent + selected, painted all vertices 0.75

4. Selected the tail armor + skeleton and exported as a new nif

5. Added the new part in Nifskope with copy/paste branch.


Do you need to add weight for every vertice seperately? I just selected them all and painted the whole object in the same weight.

Edited by Moire
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1. Import characters/_male/skeletonbeast.nif into blender with "skeleton only", then select the skeleton

2. Import the new armor with "geometry only", then select just the skeleton again

3. Import the tail armor with "geometry only"

4. Delete the parts of the tail thing you don't want

5. For each of the objects from the tail armor you do want, click them then go into edit mode and delete all the weight groups for them

6. Position them where you want them on the final armor

7. Check the skeleton for the names of the bone each should should be attached to, then add a vertex group with that name and weight all the vertices in that object to it

8. Go into object mode, hit A to select everything, then export a nif with "geometry only"

9. Open the nif with nifskope then save it again or it'll be all messed up ingame

Edited by whalecakes
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Okay, I did all the steps to the point. It looks alright in Nifskope as always but when I add it in the CS it crashes. Edited by Moire
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