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Saving the Lives of your Followers???


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I searched through the forums and couldn't find anything similar to this.


Is it possible to save the lives of your companions or are they doomed in hardcore mode.


The reason I'm asking is because Boone has been infected by Cazador venom.


I have 15 antivenoms in my inventory, 1 of which I used on myself.


Is there a way to heal Boone or is his life forfeit???

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So even though my companions will gladly use any weapons or armor I give them, they won't use any antivenom or healing items. Unfortunately, their isn't a heal option on the companion wheel, just "Use Stimpak". Of course the moment you give a stimpak to someone with Cazador venom in their veins, they die.
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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a good thing the modding community will care for things the dev. team didn't :whistling:

Try this:www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40695

Just found it and I'm going to test it. Good luck :thumbsup:

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Just had a couple of scraps with cazadores -plenty of them. And the mod, "Companion cure", was very valuable. Provided you have antivenom in your inventory, you can easily cure them and give a shot or 2 of stims to boot

I play hardcore/normal difficulty.

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