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I presume you talking about a plugin that highlight the different commands if you scripting for OB and so on?


If you have to ask what to use I presume you will be happy with ANSI version. :smile:

Normally all other users are painfully aware already and choose the UNICODE version.


The ANSI give you all normal English characters and works also for some European languages (that don't have to much letters with strange dots, lines and circles above, under or in the characters). UNICODE is for the world outside U.S.A. (at last our fellows in America got that A to Z is not the end of letters and usually have started to support UNICODE in computer programs :happy: ) like in Asia and middle East when you use languages that not is based at all on the general alphabet A-Z.

To get the full story try this Wikipedia UNICODE


If there are more into this two version plugin for Notepad++ than just letters used, please give a link to the download and I or maybe others can help you out further.


Hope that clears what to choose for your personal use.

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