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How cool would a 3-d mod be?


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1) I Don't think the engine has capability for it. To make a game "true" 3d, you pretty much need the engine to be built around it from the start.

2) Why don't you do it? I assure you, nobody else knows how to do it either, nor do they got less time.

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If you have a Nvidia or ATI card and the right hardware the profiles for FONV have been available for quite a while. Do a search for NVIDIA 3D Vision. If you mean a mod for just Anaglyph 3D/stereoscopic 3D with the red and blue glasses, I think there is a pre-processing component there as you need two cameras with the appropriate filters. You might be able to do it only via post processing but it wouldn't be true 3D, just a 3D like effect....plus it'd be a pretty funky shader effect.
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