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FPS drops over time


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Having this issue for some time now.

When I boot the game up it plays fluidly-60FPS no problem. 5 minutes in game and it begins to chug around 35-45 FPS. 30 minutes and it's unplayable.

I assume it's one of my mods causing the issue. here's my mods:



Edited by ilayoeli
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Depend how many mods you have active at once, as for whatever reason, the game refuses to operate properly when you go over the 130-150 mark, and weird thing begin to happen. I suggest getting the FNVEdit Merge scripts and looking for a tutorial on YouTube to lighten the load, and you can always use Wrye Flash's Bashed Patches to merge plugins, too.

But from what mods you have, I really don't have any idea as to what could be causing it (Besides the plugin thing)

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