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Well FNV edit is like a spreadsheet type editor for FNV. It's the same as FO3 edit.

For example you can load up a list of 100 mods or more then apply fliters to see which mod is breaking the game.


Once you have FNV edit downloaded an installed, you make a shortcut to FNV edit.

Use that shortcut to launch regular FNV edit, I keep that one on the desk top because I use it a lot.

Copy that shortcut an put it in a folder you name MasterUpdate somewhere

Right click the shortcut, properties, then add a space at the end of the target line an type -masterupdate

In the master update folder make a new folder an name it restore, drop a shortcut in there an add -masterrestore


Master restore is just the opposite of master update. Both of them will make copies of your .esm an .esp only renamed for example FalloutNV.esm.BAK

Remove the bak an it turns back into a .esm or .esp, though I just delete all mine, unless I did something I wasn't sure about inside the .esm an .esp

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