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New skyrim trailer in game footage


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As the others say, it's easy.




Use the convert that's mentioned or the rad video tools to make it on your own.

Once it's converted to a .bik file you've got 2 options.

A. Replace the existing one

B. Edit the .ini file to use another movie file.


A: After the conversion, rename it to Map loop and replace the .bik that's in Oblivion\Data\Videos


B: The ini file is at My Documents\My Games\Oblivion and is named Oblivion.ini (can be opened with notepad, just save it in notepad and don't use Save As as it'll turn into a txt file most of the time.)

Search (Ctrl F makes lives easier) for the value "SMainMenuMovie=Map loop.bik" and change the Map loop.bik part to your liking. Be sure the file and the name in the .ini file are exactly the same.

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