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Headshots Realism ANYONE ?!?!?


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Has it never came to you that people in Fallout and creatures in Fallout are not "Thick-Headed" and should die by a Headshot ???

I have...

I have a mod which makes it so -- but it only works in the DC (you know the regular areas and persumably with Broken Steel)

but in the pitt the Trogs DID NOT die by shooting them in the head

and in Point Lookout those Fukkin Swampfolk dont die !! (I can do 140 DMG with the double barrel) and in point blank they barely get crripled...

I tried FWE but it hasnt done much good ...

and a few headshot mods none seem to be compatible with DLC's

so here I am asking --- scratch that ! BEGGING someone to make such a mod ...

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Has it never came to you that people in Fallout and creatures in Fallout are not "Thick-Headed" and should die by a Headshot ???

I have...

I have a mod which makes it so -- but it only works in the DC (you know the regular areas and persumably with Broken Steel)

but in the pitt the Trogs DID NOT die by shooting them in the head

and in Point Lookout those Fukkin Swampfolk dont die !! (I can do 140 DMG with the double barrel) and in point blank they barely get crripled...

I tried FWE but it hasnt done much good ...

and a few headshot mods none seem to be compatible with DLC's

so here I am asking --- scratch that ! BEGGING someone to make such a mod ...


Use the Terrible Shotgun, and point blank sneak mode, headshot. I hear it's capable of doing as much damage as the mini-nuke. Another thing you can use, is sniper rifle headshots. They do 5x more damage.


Also, your language disgusts me. Deliberately going around the sensor and all

Edited by Javalin
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...... what guns are you using and what is your small guns skill level. my build can one shot anything in the game execpt goul reavers and behemoths and that is without mods :P if you need a mod to make headshots work your playing the game wrong.


also supermutants do have thick skulls (part of their mutation i guess) otherwise they would be open to the possiblity of sitting down with you and the wastelander population and discussing their differences over a cup of tea.


robots may have heads but if a designer was building a combat mech i doubt he would place all the critical systems in such a obvious target


raiders..... well i hate to break it to you but if your using a pistol or somthing that uses 5-10 mm ammo i doubt it could punch through a helmet. actually in real life small arms have difficulty penetrating human skulls unless you are at a reasionably close range or using special caliber / high velocity ammo. stopping power and accuracy drop off really fast.


so in all the game is actually more realistic than most of the point at head and click games out there. but if your having problems i suggest the arms dealer mod. it adds some modern guns to the game including a wide array of sniper rifles specifically designed for those hard to kill baddies.


though if you are trying for a sniper build and you have good range on the target just crouch before firing if you have a bad stealth the distance will make the chances of detection minimal and you get a free cheap shot crit

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