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Dragon Summoning


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I am trying to make a mod where you can summon a random dragon at will, I already have the animation in mind for the Summoning itself which uses the Dragon Storm magic attack, but rather than damaging opponents when the charge is done, it will Summon a random dragon, so unlike the Shouts that have a specific dragon each time, this one will summon a random dragon whether it is an anchient dragon, frost dragon etc. If someone could help me realise this or actually can make this that would be awesome. Also the ability has a cooldown once per day to make this not too overpowered.

This would be the summoning animation. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/434946174135570616/1A55E010DD87970297B0792709727E851E783F2E/

Edited by MetalSkater92
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