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I need the tortoise shell glasses!


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First at all, i want to apologize my self for my english.


Well, things are like this. I want tortoise shell glasses and there are just one of them, wear by a npc... I don't want to kill him, so i readed in some place there is a way to obtain it: reverse pickpocketing.


Can someone explain me how can i make that?

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reverse pickpocketing is quite simple


you see, when you pickpocket, you can try and take any item you want, that is displayed in the NPC's inventory

however, you can only give that NPC items that weigh 0 (aside from explosives, resulting in the magnificent exploding pants)


the idea is to put an item that has a better DR than the glasses you want, into the NPC's inventory, wait for that NPC to switch items, than pickpocket the glasses of the NPC


i don't understand why you can't just take the glasses off the NPC as is (unless it's impossible to remove worn items, not 100% sure about that)

but i do hope this answers your question

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well, i hope i explained easily enough how to do this


i'm not sure if you can reverse pickpocket any better item, in order to replace this one

maybe if you throw a helmet on the floor, the NPC will pick it up (though i hardly think that will happen)


good luck regardless


and if nothing works, you can easily add the item through the console command

it's a really cheap item, so it won't be really cheating (at least not in my opinion)

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