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How will it start?


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So, my friend and I have been talking about possible beginnings to Skyrim.


Perhaps the start of the game will change according to your Race as well as your Class Specialty (i.e. Combat, Magic or Stealth).


Say, if you were a Nord that specialized in Combat (yes, generic I know), then you might say, start out in a war-camp in the mountains or something.


Just a thought.


What do you all think?




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I suppose being a prisoner would be fitting, as that's how all other Elder Scrolls games started out. Maybe they will make it a bit more believable, like Morrowind (yes, I'm looking at you, Oblivion. :dry: ).
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My vote goes for another visit to the prison. I only hope that Skyrim will have a prison sistem that will actualy add penalties and a atmosphere to mach it. I want it to be creepy as hell and make me not want to go there ever again. :devil:
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They've already said that you'll start out as a prisoner, it's a tradition in The Elder Scrolls.I've also heard something about the player witnessing his own execution, though I don't think it's been confirmed yet.Hopefully it's a failed execution or that would really suck.
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I've also heard something about the player witnessing his own execution, though I don't think it's been confirmed yet.


Well, taking that scenario into play made me think of this:


Player is about to be executed. Starts with you in a cell and then being led outside for the actual execution (tutorial plays through this section) and then at the very moment before you are dispacted, a sound echoes over the area and the crowd turns to witness a large Dragon enter the area. Panic ensues, and people start to run in fear or to gather weapons to try and fend it off.


Escaping your restraints (if any) you grab a weapon and you try to flee the area, only to be blocked by the Dragon itself (possibly wounded by any guards or other warriors nearby), a battle follows and you slay the creature (scripted attack or lucky strike?), it's soul absorbed you proclaim the first earned Dragon shout and everyone realises what you have become.


Just a thought.

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I don't really think that you'll receive a shout that early. It's got to be a little later in the game, you know?

The very beginning is a little too quick.



The game WILL begin at a prison, and if the player does see his own execution, then yes, it will be a failed one. Probably.

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I don't really think that you'll receive a shout that early. It's got to be a little later in the game, you know?

The very beginning is a little too quick.


It could be a weak power you recieve, or you gain the soul but have no way of utilising it as you do not know how to activate the power yet.


It was just a random scene that came to mind when I read the previous post. More about introducing the Dragon threat than the player gaining any powers.

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