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Oblivion Settings Not Saving


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When i try to apply any of my oblivion settings they do not stick, and every time i start up oblivion it acts like its the first time starting it and says that it selected low settings, every time. and i know my computer will far surpass maxed out.


Does anyone know how to fix this? Im using the steam downloaded version, so it is up to date, according to steam.


Edit: I also tried editing the text file manually. Doesnt do anything different.

Edited by Elandren
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At a guess you are on Vista or Win7? If so, you may be being affected by the dreaded UAC in Windows.


Recommended install location for Oblivion is c:\Games\Oblivion, NEVER in Program Files, as Windows stops you from writing data to ini files if they are there.


There's a how-to guide for the DVD install Oblivion HERE - steam has one or two quirks such as needed a different .dll for installing OBSE but is otherwise very similar I believe

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Use the 'saveini' console command and stop using the Oblivion launcher?



actually i figured it out.. There was a second txt setting file in the folder where saved games are located.. i dont know why or how but it was the thing preventing me from changing anything. I deleted the entire folder and restarted the game and it recreated the folder with my new settings. before i was changing the file in the actual oblivion folder.

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  • 7 years later...

I have scoured the internet for a reason or fix to oblivion settings not saving when launching oblivion with OBSE.

Dozens of posts, all worthless.



The problem seems to lie with Mod Organiser when utilized with OBSE, but its completely Mod Organiser's fault.

You see, Mod Organiser creates and uses its own oblivion.ini somewhere in the profiles folder; one of its subdirectories.

But what you don't know is it also creates a tweaked_oblivion.ini in that same folder.

What the difference?

Oblivion.ini is what Oblivion reads to apply game settings.

Tweaked_Oblivion.ini is what Oblivion writes to, to save oblivion settings

Which means no settings ever get saved because tweaked_oblivion.ini never gets copied back to oblivion.ini


The author(s) of Mod Organiser should be face palmed; good intentions, idiotic consequences.

Edited by thmtrxhsu
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