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Mod Order


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What do you mean, an automatic looting system? If so, there is - it is aptly called AutoLoot: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/28/?.


If you mean what order to install mods when you start a game, I'd say: global changes first (dialogue fixes, romance expansions, NPC morphs ect.), then when you have a character, things like equipment. This way, you will avoid the need to reload such stuff.

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DA:O has no mod load order like Skyrim etc. ... It's more like an alphanumeric by folder.

So, if you have 3 mods installed which change the texture of Alistairs armour, only the texture will be used which the game finds first in your override folder based on it's name.


Thandal has described it much better:

" Since the game can only use ONE resource of a given name, it'll use the first one it hits as it goes through the override folder's structure."

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Actually, it'll use the *LAST* one it finds, alphanumerically-by-filename-and-folder-level.


The game engine searches several locations in a specific order, but for (almost all) mods the only one that matters is "\<user's profile>\bioware\dragon age\packages\core\override".


From there, it'll go through the files at that level, then the files at the next sub-folder level (alphanumerically) then the next sub-folder, etc. After finishing that level, it'll repeat for as many sub-subs as it finds.


The other place mods are found is the "\addons" folder. This is main location where the extracted contents of ".dazip" files belong. (Other pieces of a ".dazip" mod go elsewhere.) All the mod managers, including the built-in DAUpdater.exe know how to handle these. But as noted above, that folder is checked BEFORE the "\override" one, so if there are any duplicate filenames, the ones in the "\override" folder will be used for those elements.


Since the PLAYER decides on the sub-folder structure and names (and frequently the exact filenames themselves) two players with the same basic set of mods might have very different ones working in-game.

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