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Does anyone still play Oblivion and morrowind?


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I literally spent 48 to 62 hours this week alone playing Morrowind. Oblivion is waiting its turn in the rotation I am doing. It goes like this:


*hear Skyrim is coming & cry a little*


1. Play through all of Morrowind before playing oblivion.

2. Play through all Oblivion before Skyrim comes out.

3. Play through all Skyrim several times.

4. Rinse and repeat!


I may be in the middle of Oblivion by the time Skyrim come out but don't be alone there are others who will not say they cannot get it either.

Mind you, no cheats and shortcuts, till the second time around. Also different characters in every rotation. Right now I am a redguard sorcerer.

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Srry 4 dumb question, just cant afford skyrim, (im 14) and i really hate to be the onlyone doing anything.


Skyrim may be awful. It may be good. All they're doing now is trying to make you crave it as much as possible without giving you content. Ignore that. Wait for the game to show, in a year or more, then watch for the reactions of players of earlier games in the series. Why get excited about something that doesn't exist?


Look over the selection of mods for Oblivion here, and for Morrrowind on PlanetElderScrolls. Check out the forums on Bethsoft for both games. There are plenty of threads comparing the two, and discussing each game. Get a feel for how they play. Oblivion is definitely the easier of the two, which doesn't necessarily make it better (or worse).


Don't worry about being the only one to play a game. Who cares? If you like it, play it. If you don't, find something else to do. There's more than enough to fill a day in a world that's full of things to learn and enjoy.

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There are enough interesting mods here to play Oblivion for many years even if you were the only one. Believe me, you aren't. In fact with Skyrim coming out soon Bethesda has discounted the Oblivion Game of the Year package heavily and many new players are just starting.


Skyrim? Ya know, it looks nice enough in the trailer and I look forward to the crafting, but to be honest I think I might get tired of snow soon enough and be right back to Oblivion, which has a lot of landscape variety. I have paused the trailer and the world textures do not look as good as modded textures for Oblivion. For many players who have heavily modded Oblivion, it's probably going to be a step back until there are a good number of mods for Skyrim. Because it is a new engine, that may take some time.


I remember being 14 and I do remember not wanting to be the only person doing something back then, but it really wasn't a healthy thing to worry about. Hopefully gaming isn't the only thing you do in your spare time. As long as you're doing other things with real people from school and on the internet, why worry? This site has well over a million members and even though some of them might not be playing right now, it will be a long long time before you will be alone in playing this game. People don't like to throw out characters they have worked on, extensive modifications they have made. Even if every single player other than you bought Skyrim, a lot of them would just be playing both. Don't worry about being a little late getting Skyrim. By the time you do get it, the modders will have made it much much better.

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Srry 4 dumb question, just cant afford skyrim, (im 14) and i really hate to be the onlyone doing anything.


You can't afford Skyrim NOW, which is irrelevant as it cannot be purchased NOW anyway. :whistling: It isn't even going to be released until November seven months from NOW. Start saving NOW and you WILL be able to afford it when it is actually available. :thumbsup: You might even be 15 by then. :rolleyes:

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You definitely aren't the only one. Lots of people play Oblivion and even Morrowind.


I play Oblivion from times to times but Morrowind never since I don't have it installed on my pc ^^

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  • 7 months later...
With the highly anticipated release of Skyrim less than a month away (pre-ordered of course), and, my buying a brand new computer on which to play. Yes, I did install both Morrowind and Oblivion on my brand-new pc. I am already being blown away by having a nice graphics card. They are like playing them brand new all over again. From talking with other gamers at the local Game Stop store, there are indeed many of us still addicted to the Elder Scrolls games.
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