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Dead money crashes the game


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I had a similar issue.

After entering the BoS Abandoned Bunker, I walked up to the radio, triggering Dead Money, woke up in front of the Fountain with Father Elijah's Hologram talking to me and. . . Crash.

Researching this in a Forum at the Bethesda Website, they said that crashing may be due to Quest Items in your Inventory upon starting Dead Money.


At the time, I was running a personal GECK Mod which made some weapons & armor Quest Items.

I had to untag them as Quest Items in the GECK.

I placed everything in my Inventory into the Drop-Box (Small Wall Safe in the BoS Bunker) & basically went into Dead Money with nothing but the Rebreather, Keys, Snowglobes & other assorted Items.

Walked to the radio, triggering Dead Money, listening to Father Elijah's Hologram and. . .

It crashed again.


The only thing I could think of was the Rebreather, so I went back into the GECK, untagged the Rebreather as a Quest Item.

Reloaded the game & placed the Rebreather into the Drop-Box with everything else I was previously carrying.

Walked over to the radio, triggering Dead Money again and that time it worked just fine.


So, my suggestion is this:


Make sure you remove every item in your Inventory that you possibly can.

Empty your inventory into one of the Containers in the BoS Abandoned Bunker.

If you have Quest Items on you (like the Rebreather or Motor Runner's Helmet), go into the GECK,

untag them as Quest Items,

place them into the Container with the rest of your gear,

THEN go to the radio to trigger Dead Money.


Hope that works for you,


~ Daniel

Edited by dafi536
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This is just a hunch, turn off all the automatic save game options as I have noticed that many people are crashing and complaining. Saving manually or incrementally, or after traveling, or going through doors ect.


I've done this just to prolong the gameplay until a fix came out but now I can quick save and manual save and the game is back to normal except it doesn't autosave.

Edited by SoMBiE
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im having the same problem as well, im running quite a few weapon/clothing/home mods, im not using the geck at all. i also have a few cheat mods in. i turned off the autosaves, and i went into the villa with only my modded clothing, not weps or anything, and some stimpacks and cat eye. and it crashed, im gonna try it again later with nothing in my inventory. except for the stuff i cant get rid of.


it crashes for me between 10 seconds to a minute after elijah gets done talking.

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ok i had the same problem so i look into my save files and its saving it in a different way i don't get it it Changes the numbering on the save files

know its saving all like this.


#0497 sierra madre volt

#0497 villa

you have to look for it at the bottom of you're save game when your loading

don't now why its doing that

Edited by Locomanusa
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  • 1 month later...

I have the same problem. I have disabled all addons. removed all quest items from my bag. all suggestions in this forum tried


One thing that I can add to this is if I open my pip boy right when Father E stops talking I won't crash however soon as i put the pip boy down I crash.


So I'm also looking for a fix for this...i paid for something I can't play.


I run a female char usually, i tried loading my male one as well and still no go.

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