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Nevada Skies in incompatibilities and crash, help

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Hey guys,

So I finally have all the mods I want for my game just one problem, every time I add the Nevada Skies Weather Mod, the game when going through the title screen to the main menu adds this extra screen it goes through that says "Please Stand By" then shifts to the NCR Ranger image and freezes without even showing the game title nor the menu options (like CONTINUE, LOAD, OPTION) I haven't had this problem before, and have had the Nevada Skies mod working in the past.


Please look at my load order and tell me if there's something wrong, out of place or if Nevada Skies has amy problems with the other mods.


Here's my load order:


DLC and MAIN GAME masters are above here


[x] Project Nevada- Core.esm

[x] " "- Equipment.esm

[x] " "- Cyberware.esp
[x] Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

[x] Electro-City- CompleteWorkorders.esm

[x] " "- Highways and By.esm

[x] FCOMaster.esm

[x] NevadaSkies.esm

[x] NVWillow.esp

[x] dD- Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp

[x] Mail Order Catalogs.esp

[x] The Mod Configuration Menu.esp

[x] WeaponModsExpanded.esp

[x] WeaponModsExpansion.esp

[x] WMX- DLCMerged.esp

[x] " "- POPMerged.esp

[x] EVE FNV- ALL DLC.esp

[x] UHNV.esp

[x] UHNV- Brigther Lighting.esp

[ ] " "- Bobblehunt.esp

[ ] " "- Chems.esp

[x] " "- More Mannequins.esp

[x] " "- Honest Hearts.esp

[x] " "- Dead Money.esp

[x] " "- Lonesome Road.esp

[x] " "- OWB.esp

[x] FCO- GlowingOne.esp

[x] " "- Willow.esp

[x] " "- Willow (Cazy).esp

[x] BLIND.esp

[x] PerkEveryLevel.esp

[x] UnlimitedCompanions.esp

[x] WMX- EVE- AllDLCMerged.esp

[x] Project Nevada- EVE All DLC.esp

[x] Mail Order Catalogs WMX.esp

[x] Mail Order Catalogs WMX Modern Weapons.esp

[ ] Nevada Skies- TTW Edition.esp

[ ] " "- Basic Edition.esp

[x] " "- Ultimate DLC Edition.esp


I also have NMCs Texture Large Pack active


Is there anything wrong with the load order?

Or could N Skies be conflicting with another mod?


Thanks in advance!

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