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The Last Of Us- Character/Weapon Mods


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So A Mod that Makes weapons From The last of Us would be pretty Cool I Think (Except for the Bow, Because I Know that's borderline Impossible). Weapons Like The Shorty, El Diablo, Nail Bombs, Sugar Bombs, Molotov Cocktails. Stuff Like That You Know? And Joel Would be pretty Cool. (Or at Least His clothes). AnotherIdea Would be the Infected/ Enemies As a Possible addition. I Understand How Busy You Mod Makers Out there can Be so I understand If this Never Becomes a thing. But I'd really Appreciate it. :smile: Thankyou And Have a nice Day.

Edited by AWOLsamurai
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So A Mod that Makes weapons From The last of Us would be pretty Cool I Think (Except for the Bow, Because I Know that's borderline Impossible). Weapons Like The Shorty, El Diablo, Nail Bombs, Sugar Bombs, Molotov Cocktails. Stuff Like That You Know? And Joel Would be pretty Cool. (Or at Least His clothes). AnotherIdea Would be the Infected/ Enemies As a Possible addition. I Understand How Busy You Mod Makers Out there can Be so I understand If this Never Becomes a thing. But I'd really Appreciate it. :smile: Thankyou And Have a nice Day.

Hey dude! Might wanna look up this sweet gem.


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So A Mod that Makes weapons From The last of Us would be pretty Cool I Think (Except for the Bow, Because I Know that's borderline Impossible). Weapons Like The Shorty, El Diablo, Nail Bombs, Sugar Bombs, Molotov Cocktails. Stuff Like That You Know? And Joel Would be pretty Cool. (Or at Least His clothes). AnotherIdea Would be the Infected/ Enemies As a Possible addition. I Understand How Busy You Mod Makers Out there can Be so I understand If this Never Becomes a thing. But I'd really Appreciate it. :smile: Thankyou And Have a nice Day.

Hey dude! Might wanna look up this sweet gem.



Damn! That's Rad!

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