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Turrets, that the PC and NPCs can use


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While there are turrets in FO3 and FNV, they are all A.I., automatic turrets. What i suggest is turrets that NPCs and the PC can use, such as gatling turrets, light machine gun turrets, grenade machine gun turrets and so on. It occurs to me that with a proper military of the NCR Army, they have no turrets or emplacements for defending key positions instead relying soley on infantry small arms. This just doesn't seem right.


Any mod that introduces turrets would be pretty expansive, it would require new animations and scripting, not to mention new models and textures for weapon mounts.


I am not sure if there is already a mod that dose this, but i have been unable to find one, so i am assuming there isn't one.


So if anyone is interested, or just wishes to show support for the mod, drop a line here on this thread.



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