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what did yoy enjoy about Dead Money?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I liked it's a good DLC, much better than operation anchorage ( to compare with the first fallout 3 DLC).

the plot is well made, the environment is great, i loved to explore the villa ( and from time to time curse the damn radio messing with the collar..) that's one a good point untill you're finished you can explore sierra madre as you will ( of course the native have a little thoughts against it...)

the holorifle is now one my favorite weapons, the companions well -made each one with a solid background.

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i was crap.

i only liked the companions, too bad you can't bring them back with you which is BS.


New Vegas Bounties 1 and 2 mods are so much more enjoyable compared to this

I agree.


The DLC was WAYYY to enclosed.


I didn't like how the town was a maze, and it should of been much more open.


I didn't like how only one enemy was added, and I didn't like how the entire thing took place in one area, then it was over.

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i really liked dead money so nobody should talk s*** aout it it has awsome content and i really liked the whole thing, the only thing that i didnt like was that once u left u couldnt go back. but i would also have to admit that it was very enclosed, but i still liked the main idea of it, i do think that bethesda is capable of way better dlc's though
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  • 3 weeks later...

The Good:


- Interesting companions with useful perks and likeable personalities.

- Interesting if frequently frustrating enemies (bloody gas canister ghostmen!); I liked having to finish off downed bad guys and finding/destroying holo-emitters was nicely rewarding after sneaking past the holo-guards.

- The new weapons are useful, especially since they do enhanced limb damage and thus reward accuracy with quick kills.

- The speakers, fog, and radios present a unique challenge and encourage caution... but...


The Bad:


- The density of speakers in some areas makes it nearly impossible to get through them without dying a few times to map out the optimal route, especially towards the end.

- The indestructible speakers were a horrible idea. Clever placement could have achieved the same level of difficulty without forcing a single-option solution. The terminal for the armored speakers is almost always past the speaker gauntlet and several enemies.

- The enemies don't always give chase and often hang around near indestructible speakers and thanks to the confined spaces there isn't always a clean shot from afar so getting past those enemies without a necksplosion is often a matter of luck.

- The companions can't be used in the latter half of the DLC, when Christine's perk in particular would be extremely handy. Having any of the companions along would have been tremendously helpful in looting the Vault.

- The lighting is often too dark to accurately target ghostmen without VATS.

- The ghostmen have too high of a PER stat. At 75 sneak with Silent Running, wearing the Assassin Suit (+10) and using the stealth-boosting magazine (+10), they still could spot me around corners and across dark courtyards while looking in the other direction.

- A pack of cigarettes returns for more chips than a set of clothes?

- Why the heck did the Vault blow up? That didn't make sense at all. I blow a guy's head off and suddenly the whole place reacts as though it's made from Explodium. There was no mention anywhere of a self-destruct mechanism, at least not that I found. The "get away before necksplosion" bit I got, but why the Dungeon Collapse routine? Why not let me go back for more loot after the collar's off?

- For that matter, why make it impossible to return to the casino after going back to the Mojave? This alone makes it essential to prioritize unique items over the copious amounts of high-value lootables, since you can't come back for any of it. Why place so many valuable items that ultimately can't be recovered?


Story questions...


- There was an obvious sequel hook in there regarding the Big Empty. Will we get to see any of the Dead Money companions again? Dog and Christine each had been there at some point.

- Did anyone else pick up on Christine being Veronica's long lost ex? I had to dig around in her conversation options a bit to find that, and she never named names, but it seemed like that was the implication. Their stories match too well for any other possibility to be remotely plausible- Christine is a lesbian (or bi; she references a lost love and when pressed says that it was a woman) who left the Brotherhood of Steel in part because her sexual preference was disapproved of, she has a personal connection to Elijah... I kinda wish it were possible to reunite the gals, or at least to tell Veronica that you bumped into her old flame (seeing as how you could update her on Elijah, I don't see why you couldn't tell her about Christine).

- Anyone else disappointed that Dean didn't get a bit more screen time? He's the only one with an explicit personal connection to both the place the era in which it was built, yet he's only of peripheral importance in making progress through the DLC. He even lampshades that when you tell him where he's stationed for the Gala event.

- Elijah was trapped in the Sierra Madre, but it isn't clear how since he's the one responsible for putting collars on everyone who comes through the gates. I thought at first that he might have been trapped in the Vault but that obviously wasn't the case. He was in communication with his bunker at some point, since the entries on his terminal detail things that happened after he got to the SM. What was keeping him from leaving aside from plain old greed?


One other point... why exactly can't the DLC companions be brought out into the Mojave? Why can't regular companions be taken into the DLCs in Fo3 and NV? I can't see any reason why they shouldn't be transferable; everything else is. It'd likely be too much work for the devs to incorporate them into the story in any way, but after the DLC plot is played out, if the area is still accessible (and I don't understand why the Sierra Madre isn't- if you can find your way home then you should be able to find your way back again), why force the player to leave their companions behind when traveling from one place to the other?

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