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Change all Vanilla Standard trees to Morrowind/SI style?


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One of the things that I like most about Morrowind was the fantastic flora--not so the alchemical ingredients, but the trees and shrubs. Does anyone know of a conversion that will change all the trees in Oblivion (Standard or Vanilla) to that which can be found in SI? To me, the continuity between Morrowind and Oblivion breaks because of the different flora.
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  • 2 years later...

I don't know any and i think there aren't mods of Morrowind flora to Oblivion :( , I was searching the whole internet for that but i sadly didnt found any... so i think the only way is, 1: Create some sort of Mod by using resources, 2: Ask someone to make that Mod, (not me i can't make mods)

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Modding trees in Oblivion is difficult to begin with because you need a special program called speedtree. Without that there is very little you can do aside from changing leaf textures. Even if you do find someone who has and knows how to use the program, you cannot do direct imports of Morrowind assets into Oblivion.


You would have to create custom meshes and textures that mimic the originals as much as possible. Good luck finding what you are looking for, but I don't know of any resources like that.

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It's actually not a hard thing to swap around yourself ^ And it doesn't involve editing the actual spt files at all.


Example (crammed into a really shoddy nutshell):


Extract all the spt trees from the Oblivion and SI bsa archives. (I suggest keeping a 'Vanilla' copy of everything you extract somewhere handy on the desktop.) Do the same with the textures.


To swap one tree for another (model and textures) here's what you do (using a simple example in this case):


Say you want to replace the Yew trees found around Lake Rumare: Pick an SI spt tree model from the Data/trees folder (in this instance we'll use the Mania spt tree: maniatree09.spt) and rename it to treeyewforest.spt. Copy that to your Oblivion/data/trees directory. If it doesn't exist, just create it.


Find the appropriate textures you need to swap. In this case you'd need to rename the mtreeleaves04.dds (found in textures/trees/leaves) to treeyewleaves.dds, and the maniatree09.dds (found in textures/trees/billboards) to treeyewforest.dds. Copy them to the appropriate sub-folders in the Oblivion/data/textures/trees directory (trees/leaves and trees/billboards). Again, if those directories don't exist, just create them.


Depending on what you know about spt trees and their textures, just to make it clear, the textures found in the trees/leaves folder are obviously your primary textures for the leaves of that tree. The textures found in the trees/billboards are your distant / fugly-looking cardboard cutout / LOD ones :P Make sure you always remember to do BOTH otherwise your distant trees won't match your close-range textures.)


Now, while the above is the sort of swap anyone can do, there are other ways of doing something similar in the CS, but personally I prefer a manual method rather than an esp which redirects the trees and models. Some people would probably prefer the CS method, but to each his own.


On a side note, if you want to be very fussy, at some point you would be wise to use the CS to rescale the tree billboards, since swapping them around means you'll end up with them sized incorrectly. (It's as simple as checking the billboard scale in the CS of the mania tree and copying those values to the yew tree.)


I realise all of the above is very messily explained. If you want a proper private and in depth guide, I'll gladly go over it thoroughly in a pm.


At any rate, all I'm trying to say is it is more than possible to use SI trees in Cyrodiil and it's not a hard thing to do. Just takes some swapping and fiddling. (Hell, my current mods wouldn't exist if I hadn't of found a way to swap spt trees around!)



Edited by Brittainy
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I should also add, the one texture you don't have to worry about swapping is the bark. The spt trees will automatically use the correct bark texture, so you don't have to do a thing on that count.

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