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Favourite Character In DAO


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This is a tough one.


PC's my favourites in order are Alistair - Dog (won't leave camp without these 2 so Extra Dog Slot mod is a must have) Zev - Morrigan - Sten - Shale and Ogren.


None PC's... my favourite is Levi he is so sweet, in a none romantic way, heart of gold and loyal at least that is how he comes across to me.

Edited by ell46
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Whenever you have Morrigan and Alistair together in your party, the banter between the two is the most amusing of all your party members.


Morrigan : a cynic, but lovable in that "dark" side of personality. Besides, I love Claudia Black's voice.

Oghren : how a true dwarf should behave! Steve Blum brought that drunken character really well.

Alistair : an insecure, but loyal friend to have in your party. I felt guilty when I decided to recruit Loghain though, how I broke his heart!

Leliana : truly an adorable girl, with sharp blades and basically the highest DPS in my party >.<

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