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ENBboost really that necessary?


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So because everybody always said I needed this I always played with this.


But currently I`m all into reshade/ sweet fx



I also use the imaginator mod to quickly do some color tweaks ingame.


I used this guy`s preset to start, but I made quite a few tweaks;



The problem is however, that as far as I can see, this reshade injector is incompatible with enbboost.


Currently I`m only at 60 mods or something, not that much, but I was wondering how necessary this enbboost thing if I keep adding more of them.


So yeah, that`s my question, how important is enbboost, and more importantly can I go without it, because with my current tools (reshade/sweetfx/imaginator) i got my game just perfectly how I want.

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First, this is the subforum for general site feedback and questions. For questions for a specific game you would be better served in that game's subforums.


Second, you didn't mention what game you're asking questions for which is very confusing, especially when posting in the general site forums.


I'm going to go ahead and guess you mean Skyrim, because that's the most popular and I do know there's something called ENBoost associated with it--no it's not necessary. I have myself, never used it and I habitually run a few hundred mods at a time. Some people swear by it but some people also swear by ENB which, as you've already noticed, isn't actually necessary or always a good thing.

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