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Im looking for someone whos great with animations and models!!! the current mod being worked on is going to be a horse mod for new vegas, will get full credit in a mod that will be massively used and get featured for sure, the skeleton can already be found as a modders resource on the fallout nexus. please respond and ill get back to you about adding it in game and my scriptor will get it all arranged from there

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will get full credit in a mod that will be massively used and get featured for sure,

Seems like if someone goes through the trouble of rigging up a PD mesh or making a new model for a horse s/he can just publish it on their own. I mean there are already scripts available for mounts going back all the way to Illyism's in 2011. You don't even need a new skeleton or animations, as there are plenty (vanilla) that would work fine for a mutant horse.

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