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Guest Some Guy

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*sniff* *sniff* u hurt my fweelings! :(

That's exactly what I mean.


Anyway, I've tested your beta. Not through playing, but through the construction set. Because that shows much much more...


(Who is doing the exterior/interior designing?)


Alright it's a long list, here we go...


The editor ID's seem to make no sense. ffa, aaffhf, aadfs, AAA, AAAAA... Is there any kind of system in this? It looks like a mess to me. Especially because many ID's consist of only the letter A. I strongly recommend a better system.


How I do it: <First three letters of modder's name> <Two letters of the mods name> <What object and for/from who?> <script, package, item or topic. When item, just a number>. The diary from my npc Ventus Verbosus would then be: <Pov> <ss> <Ventus> <Diary> <01>: PovssVentusDiary01 A script: <Pov> <ss> <QMgauntlets> <script>: PovssQmGauntletsScript.


For some reason the Aleswell Inn has been edited, because it shows a *. I don't see any differences, and I don't see why there should be any. These kinds of random edits can cause some nasty conflicts.


The door at 'Big Tower' doesn't look right without anything around it. It looks like a wall with a door sticked onto it, and not a real door going somewhere. The door at the 'Dark Shadow Cave' marker, and the doors at hobo's treehouse are other examples.


The isle with a few statues on it has a lot of flying trees, and there seems to be an Xmarker there that has no function. All the xmarkers on the isles seem to be related to A.I. packages that don't exist?


You can look through the back of the door on the higher level at hobo's treehouse.


Shouldn't the doors at hobo's tree house lead to an interior which connects the upper to the lower part, instead of just teleporting you up?


Floating morning glory leaves. Slightly floating rocks you can sit on.


Floating (not a havok problem, just wrong placed) paper in 'Hobo Joe's hideout'.


Bed in 'AAAANicholasHironyms' cell floating and sticking in the wall.


Lots and lots of other designing that looks weird. In a negative way. Probably more floating statics.


I think this qualifies as constructive criticism. ;)

first of all the interior designer is Some Guy,and I am the Extrior Designer.

yes i agree there are alot of glitches but its only a Beta

and there has been a lot of changes and fixes,and i deleted the rocks cous i saw they were causes problems,as for the floating trees im working on that,oh yeah as for the other cells,i have no idea how that was edited.

oh yeah as for the id's aaffa stands for AAfreedomfighterarcher,and aaffhf stands for AAfreedomfighterhobofly


first of all id like to wish you luck on this project, even tho i still dont have a clear idea what it is. and Septim741 are you a workaholic GEEZ!


3 projects is a bit much.



p.s i see you are a fan of General Patton there TheFly


p.s.s if you need any ideas to improve ur mod come to me i am full of ideas. :D

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...and Septim741 are you a workaholic GEEZ!


3 projects is a bit much...


He he. Yeah, it's a lot, but not TOO much. And when one gets done... I'll join another! He.


Back onto subject. I don't even understand much of it, but as long as the team leader understands it, that's all that matters.

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Guest Some Guy

ok uhhhh The Vulture who (or what) the hell is General Patton?

ummmmm The Fly thats pretty sad dont'a think how we are the only ones......


1) Your signiature is way over the size limits. Read the rules and remove it.



2) Your "plot" is an incoherent mess. Put down the crack and start over from the beginning.



3) With this mess of a post, I'll be having a snowball fight with Satan before anyone helps you. Read this pinned thread: http://forum.gamingsource.net/index.php?showtopic=26095



4) Since you have essentially zero chance of attracting the help you need (unless you have a large bank account), you will not be able to do the stuff you're promising. Your ambitions far out-reach your available resources and skills, so your project is doomed to failure. Scale back your ambitions to something you can actually do, or just give up now before you waste anyone's time with it.



5) You just generally give the impression of yet another person who didn't think beyond "OMG!!! I CAN MAKE A COOL MOD!!!! EVERYONE JOIN ME!!!!!!" before making your forum announcement. I predict you will have abandoned it within a month, just like the countless people who have followed the exact same path.

You should talk peregrine....LOOK AT UR SIGNATURE!!


EDIT: Merged your posts. Please use the edit button, thank you.


- Switch

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You should talk peregrine....LOOK AT UR SIGNATURE!!

It's not too big. He's been using it for years and nobody ever complained. And maybe you should only quote the relevant part of a post? And use the edit button :)


I know it was a beta, but still... If you look 'beta version' up in a dictionary it'll often say that it's something very close to the final product, but still requires a lot of testing.


This beta wasn't really anything, if we look at what the final mod is supposed to look like. Just a chunk of land with nothing functional.


Beta or not, ID's shouldn't be messy. And all those floating objects and things I mentioned don't give people the impression the team is experienced.

Did you start over again after releasing the beta version, or are you still working on that same esp?

oh yeah as for the id's aaffa stands for AAfreedomfighterarcher,and aaffhf stands for AAfreedomfighterhobofly

How about aaa, AAAAA and aaaaaaaaa?

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oh yeah as for the id's aaffa stands for AAfreedomfighterarcher,and aaffhf stands for AAfreedomfighterhobofly

How about aaa, AAAAA and aaaaaaaaa?

that was done by Some Guy and has been changed by me.

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