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Constant Thunderstorm with Weather - All Natural

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It's only raining. No matter where. I wait for days, still raining. Here's how command prompt looks like;

An expression failed to evaluate to valid result
File: All Natural Base.esm Offset: 0xsomenumberswhichchangeseverytwoline Command:Let
Error in script 010172e7
An expression failed to evaluate to valid result
File: All Natural Base.esm Offset: 0xsomenumberswhichchangeseverytwoline Command:Let
Error in script 010172e7
An expression failed to evaluate to valid result
File: All Natural Base.esm Offset: 0xsomenumberswhichchangeseverytwoline Command:Let
Error in script 010172e7


I tried clean save thing, I don't know if I did it right but it didn't work.

I tried uninstalling and installing the mod, didn't work.

I tried disabling mod, it worked, enabled, suddenly starts raining again.

I tried starting to a new game, it worked, no more command prompt errors. So I think it's about my savegame. Some script must have gone wrong at some point. I think it may be Kvatch but I can't remember. So I don't know what to do about it.

I don't have a lot of mods. Stutter remover, darnified, character overhaul, body replacers and that's it.


This is just annoying please help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been using All Natural for years and I never had this issue you described. Might want to take a look at the ini that comes with this and the readme as well to familiarize with the mod you are using. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had All Natural for years as well but I do recall sometimes it just always seems to rain no matter what. If you go to Oblivion/Data/INI you'll find Allnatural.ini. Open it with Wordpad and Press Control + F and copy and paste this into the search without the quotes "ANVars.RainLength". You should see something like this:


set ANVars.RainLength to 9 ; Average duration of a rainy weather. (9)
set ANVars.StormLength to 9 ; Average duration of a stormy weather. (9)
set ANVars.SnowLength to 9 ; Average duration of a snowy weather. (9)



Change it to this if you want it to rain/storm/snow for an hour at a time:


set ANVars.RainLength to 1 ; Average duration of a rainy weather. (9)
set ANVars.StormLength to 1 ; Average duration of a stormy weather. (9)
set ANVars.SnowLength to 1 ; Average duration of a snowy weather. (9)




Or change it to this if you want it to rain/etc for a not-annoying amount of time every now and then:



set ANVars.RainLength to 3 ; Average duration of a rainy weather. (9)
set ANVars.StormLength to 3 ; Average duration of a stormy weather. (9)
set ANVars.SnowLength to 3 ; Average duration of a snowy weather. (9)

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