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Crash on some FastTravels...


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I am having a problem with fast traveling, at one point in time my game crashed EVERY-TIME I fast traveled, and I rearranged my load order a bit (and deleted a few mods) and now it only crashes on certain places, the only place it currently does it is "Camp Forlorn Hope". but I am sure that it happens to other places as well, just haven't seen it yet.



Here is my load order if you want to take a gander.... Any help or thoughts would be appreciated...


[X] FalloutNV.esm

[X] wsex.esm

[X] FOOK - New Vegas.esm

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

[X] ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm

[X] NosCo Companion System.esm

[X] EVE-900.esm

[X] rePopulated Wasteland.esm

[X] UHNV.esp

[X] FOOK - New Vegas.esp

[X] CyberEve.esp

[X] SarahConner.esp

[X] PerkEveryLevel.esp

[X] CONELRAD 640-1240.esp

[X] wsexInnuendoAnims.esp

[X] wsexInnuendoNPCs.esp

[X] Better Binoculars Max.esp

[X] Murdelizer.esp

[X] bzArmour.esp

[X] Tailor Maid - NV.esp

[X] GunCrosshairFollow.esp

[X] Intellegent Faction Armor.esp

[X] Fellout.esp

[X] PlayableGhoul.esp

[X] Playable Raider with Wearable Eyepatch.esp* (made by me)

[X] WeaponModsExpanded.esp

[X] [atomic mods] backpacks_nv_eng.esp

[X] ShotgunPerformance.esp

[X] ShubsBladedGauntlet.esp

[X] RechamberedWeapons.esp

[X] NCR Rearmament v1.5 (Lore).esp

[X] Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp

[X] Cannabis.esp

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