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Name: Nathaniel

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Race: Causcasian

Combat Style: Slow and calculating. Likes to pick targets off from a distance with either his hunting rifle or anti-material rifle. He'll use A Light Shining In Darkness or a Brush Gun if he ends up in close quarters combat, such as when underground, or in confined spaces.

Specialties: Very perceptive and charismatic. The smooth talking diplomat, yet not scared to blow someone's head off if he has to.

Weaknesses: Melee and unarmed combat. He struggles picking locks and ends up getting impatient and breaks about 5 bobby pins per lock, which just causes him to curse and get even more impatient until he just tries to blast the lock apart. He also doesn't do well in social gatherings, he rather just be by himself or with close friends/people he trusts.

Likes: The lights of the strip at night in the distance, old world history and tech, airplanes, helping people, Doc Mitchel for saving him, Goodsprings, Novac.

Dislikes: Loud noises, deathclaws, cazadores, Ulysses, Veronica

Wants: Return the world to pre-war glory, bring about technological advancement and general improvement for the human race without being held down by dead-end policies and corrupt governments.

Fears: Failure, Stagnation, NCR takeover, anarchy.

Friendly Factions: House, The Strip, Boomers, New Canaanites, The Think Tank(including Mobius), Great Khans, Remnants, Followers of The Apocalypse, Goodsprings, Novac, FreeSide, The Kings, Crimson Caravan, Gun Runners, and Jacobstown

Enemy Factions: Caesar's Legion, Brotherhood of Steel, Fiends, Powder Gangers, Yes Man, Raiders(Jackals and Vipers, etc), White Legs.


He's friendly with the NCR up until a point. He has no qualms with the normal troopers, or the rangers. He hates the higher ups though, like Kimbal and Oliver and the rest of the brass who only care about expansion, expansion, expansion and their own self-gain while they sit on their rears and impose taxes on people. He also won't tolerate the NCR if they try to harm the Remnants and Arcade just for their past involving the Enclave.

Companions: Boone, Arcade and ED-E

Love interest?:None, well, maybe Arcade... Maybe~

Parents: Scientists who cared more about their experiements than their son.

Early life: Pretty much left alone, ended up teaching himself about how to take care of himself, read many books about the old world.

Teen years: He ended up leaving his parents by joining a caravan, traveled with them across the country, or what was left of it.

How did he/she become a courier?: Parted ways with his caravan to become a courier for the Mojave Express.

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Name: Talwyn Aureliano


Gender: male


Age: early 30's


Race: Caucasian


Combat Style: He prefers sniping from cover often using the rifle Pinpoint found in the secret underground bunker [mod], then using a Thompson .45 SMG for medium to close up work, switching to pistols for fighting within buildings. At times he'll swap over to energy weapons, preferring the recharger pistol if he wants to travel light.


Specialties: An expert at lockpick, master of repair and able to jury rig almost anything and a wizards with guns.


Weaknesses: He dislikes getting into unarmed combat as he believes in the old saying, only idiots bring a knife to a gunfight. When it comes to barter he really doesn't care too much about the money as he knows that there is plenty more caps out there in loot on walking corpses who just don't know they're about to die. He's also leery about explosives, gets jumpy around them and prefers to stay clear of them if he can.


Likes: He loves to have good conversations with his friends and learning new things along the way. He enjoys helping people out as he's a great believer in the idea of paying it forward. You give out and good karma comes back in many ways. He thinks that Vegas should not be controlled by anyone but its own people.


Dislikes: He hates the Legion and the savagery it represents. Also acts like a Sneering Imperialist when it comes to raiders and scum like the Fiends. Slavery is an anathema to him and the more he learns of Legion the more he wants to take them down. He's not too keen on the NCR either as its leaders are corrupt, self serving and mostly incompetent fools. He absolutely loathes bugs of all kinds. Things like Giant Rad Scorpions always make him nervous and Cazadores are just outright terrifying. Anytime he sees them he stops whatever he was doing and kills them all immediately. If he finds any nests, it's one of the few times he'll use explosives in order to destroy the hives or nests.


Wants: To help establish the Autonomous Collective of the Mojave with YesMan and bring the wonders of the Big Empty to humanity.


Fears: That despite all his efforts, that Ulysses is right and that it is people who have to change and making people change is the hardest thing.


Friendly Factions: YesMan, Boomers, Mojave BoS, The Strip, The Kings, The Followers The Apocalypse, New Canaanites, Sorrows and Dead Horses, The Think Tank & Mobius, Great Khans, Remnants , Goodsprings, Novac, FreeSide, Jacobstown and cautious friendliness to only NCR troopers plus Col. Hsu


Enemy Factions: Legion, Mr House, Fiends, Raiders, Powder Gangers, WhiteLegs and all mutated insects and animals like Nightstalkers.


Companions: Willow, Craig Boone, Veronica Santangelo, Sharon Cassidy, Raul Tejada, Arcade Gannon and ED-E


Love interest?: He was having a casual relationship with Sarah Weintraub until he met Willow while on a patrol of the I-15 with Arcade. Since then he's been growing ever monre fond of her and their relationship has grown into something more than just friends.


Parents: Came out from Tucson before it was overrun by Legion and headed west as they'd heard tales of the NCR and how much better life was there. His parents though were killed by Giant Scorpions just west of Nipton and he only survived by hiding in some old wrecked aeroplane.


Early life: Spent the early years growing up around Two Sun before heading west.


Teen years: After the death of his parents he spent time in Nipton before managing to tag along with a Mojave Courier, eventually bvecoming one in his own right.


How did he/she become a courier?: By serving as an apprentice runner for a few years based out of Nipton and learning the ropes of the trade.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Name: NCR - Angel End

Gender: Female

Age: as old as earth (she's an angel)

Race: Shojo

Combat Style: Gun when she gots vats points otherwise Melee

Specialties: Repair, Science, Barter, Speech

Weaknesses: Fighting skill

Likes: Justice

Dislikes: Criminal, people who think themselve as god

Wants: That every Raider and Mr.House disapear from the earth

Fears: None

Friendly Factions: NCR, GoodSpring, Novac

Enemy Factions: Legion, Powder Ganger

Companions: ED-E

Love interest?: none

Parents: hum well, you know who? xD

Early life: none

Teen years: unknown

How did he/she become a courier?: She never was, she get placed in that tomb with the souvenir of someone she don't know in her head

Image :




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Name: John Wolf

Gender: Male

Age: 34

Race: Caucasian

Combat Style: Sniping, Or Run In Gun


Specialties: Rifles, And Cowboy Type Weapons.


Weaknesses: Shot By Groups


Likes: He Has Many Likes


Dislikes: Raiders, Bandits.


Wants: Crush All His Nemesis


Fears: Drowning


Friendly Factions: NCR


Enemy Factions: Power Gangers, Legion


Companions: Works Alone


Love interest?: Love? He watched the girl he loved raped by group of Raiders, Till one of them shot her, Execution style.


Parents: At age 10 he watched his father stab his mother 27 times in the chest, Before his father was able to turn the knife on him, he had slit his throat and threw his lifeless body in a trash compactor. He was orphan for 3 years, Till a young Maiden saw him wondering clueless in the wastes.


Early life: For 10 years hes lived in a orphanage called "Lovely Sunday." The Nuns there abused the kids, Hit them, Locked the in closets, Refused the feed them. One day he got fed up, As all of the nuns were sleeping he got into the kitchen, Grabbed a Butchers knife and slit all the Nuns throats.


Teen years: In his Teen Years he lived in a vault. Once the bombs dropped the Overseer put a pistol in his mouth. Wolf was always a good leader, Everyone knew it. As soon as the Overseer died, They all voted for him. Wolf of course refused. The new Overseer was Picked weeks later, He was corrupt. Killed anyone he didn't like, Mr.Wolf only had one friend. His friend refused to listen to the Overseer. What did the overseer do? Hanged him. Mr.Wolf was furious, As the Overseer was sleeping. He opened the vault, And smashed the Overseers body with the vault door. Once the guards figured out Mr.Wolf killed the Overseer they had him arrested, He didn't go out with out a fight, As one of the guards approached him he grabbed his pistol and killed all the guards in the vault. He left the vault with out saying goodbye to anyone.


How did he/she become a courier?: At age 20 Mr.Wolf had 2 kids and a lovely wife. His family was poor, Sence the bombs dropped there went any jobs that he though interesting. He wanted a job were you explore. Once day as Mr.Wolf was wandering his town, A Courier came by "Hey Mr.Wolf? I have a note for you" Mr.Wolf ripped the note, Then he though. Wouldn't a courier be a good job for me? He wandered the wastes for 30 days and nights until he came upon a place called "Crimson Caravan Company" That's were he got a job for a Courier.

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Name: Marko Bermuda

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Race: British Caucasian with a hint of Asian ancestry

Combat Style: Tends to avoid fights and is not proficient with a gun but choses to have an Assault Rifle and keep shooting either until the threat is vanquished or he has run out of bullets. Bit of a coward but there you go.

Specialties: Quite the techie and also good at lockpicking. Always tinkering with with his mother's laser pistol to try to get it to work correctly but never can quite get the crystals to focus even with spare parts.

Weaknesses: Lack of fire arms training and marksman ship, shy and slow witted/

Likes: Laser weapons and a good jog across the Mojave's safespots

Dislikes: Super mutants, the US government because of Great war, Cazadores, NCR & Legion for various reasons, stupid tribals, Pro-NRC people and Nerds.

Wants: A simple life, away from Vegas but too much unfinished business in the City. Move North to Alaska

Fears: Deathclaws, ghouls, religion, Veronica.

Friendly Factions: Vicki & Vance casino, NCR on occasion but avoids the politics and rules.

Enemy Factions: The whole damn Mojave.Vipers & Khans

Companions: Doc Mitchell, he confinced him to accompany him on his travels.

Love interest?: Veronica but the love is one sided.

Parents: Unknown to him, a prominant Centurion in the Legion is his farther.

Early life: Grew up north someplace in a semi intact bunker home to a reclusive community where his mother left with him in his pre teens due to a slpit in leadership

Teen years: Travered the northern frontiers of the NCR terratory with travelling caravans and skavengers where he honed his interest in tinkering things.

How did he/she become a courier?: He needed the money for fixing his mother's laser pistol

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  • 3 weeks later...

Name - Abbath

Gender - Male

Age- 32

Race - Caucasian

Combat style - If possible, pick off enemies from afar with his hunting rifle, followed up by a barrage of rounds from his revolver. If anyone gets too close, he takes them out with his Bowie knife.

Specialties - Pistols and rifles, pinpoint accuracy. As well as survival, repair, and melee combat.

Weaknesses - Enemies in heavy armor, cazadors.

Companions - Cass

Love interest - Cass

Likes - Extreme metal, his custom .44 magnum nicknamed "Bodom", motorcycles, the Great Khans

Dislikes - NCR soldiers/officers, raiders

Wants - A better life somewhere in the West with Cass.

Fears - His only fear is losing Cass like he lost his sister.

Friendly factions - Great Khans, the Kings, Goodsprings.

Enemy factions - NCR, Legion, Brotherhood of Steel.

Parents - An unnamed ghoul couple who found Abbath and his sister as infants.

Early life - Found and raised by two ghouls near Dayglow. From an early age, he was a natural with a pistol in his hand. At the age of 6, he witnessed his adoptive father being islikes -executed by the NCR for supposedly stealing food from a local merchant.

Teen years - At the age of 13, Abbath found some extreme metal holotapes, and immediately fell in love with heavy metal music, carrying his love for metal throughout his lifetime. Later that same year, he repaired an old motorcycle, quickly learning to ride. When he was 15, he watched his mother get brutally raped and killed by an NCR officer, later revealed to be a young General Olliver. The officer was pardoned for his crime, and continued to advance in rank. A month later, Abbath took his father's old .44 revolver, and took his sister on his motorcycle across the wastes.

How he became a courier - 11 years after the death of his mother, Abbath and his sister wandered the wastes on the motorcycle, trying to survive. Passing through Arizona, they came across a band of raiders known as the "Legion". One night, while sleeping, Abbath heard violent screaming. He awoke to find 3 of such raiders carrying his sister away. He quickly picked them off with the revolver and rushed to his sister, only to find a knife lodged in her chest. Two days later, she passed away. Abbath continued to wander the wastes, heading east toward Chicago. In the year 2278, he heard rumors of a supposed "oasis" somewhere near the ruins of Washington, D.C. Upon arriving in the Capital Wateland, he only found another barren landscape. He ran into a young man called "The Lone Wanderer", who was accompanied by a dog. The young man explained what happened, and told him to head back west. On the border of the arid desert known as the Mojave Wasteland, his motorcycle broke down. Needing to buy spare parts, but being void of caps, Abbath joined the Mojave Express to make the extra money to continue his journey west.

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  • 2 months later...

Name: Rock

Gender: Male

Age: Unkown exactly, probably mid 30's

Race: Caucasian

Combat Style: Revolvers and lever-action rifles

Specialties: Rifles and revolvers, with extensive melee and a bit of explosives

Weaknesses: Long range enemies, power armor

Companions: Willow, Cass, Boone, Veronica

Love Interest: Willow

Likes: Custom revolver, once part of a pair, and his Cowboy Repeater named "Lucy", NCR

Dislikes: Slavers, Caeser's Legion, Chem addicts, criminals

Wants: A quiet life near New Vegas, hunting and relaxing alone

Fears: Losing what few friends and loved ones he has

Friendly Factions: NCR, BoS, Goodsprings, Novac, The Kings

Enemy Factions: Great Khans, Caeser's Legion, Powder Gangers, Fiends

Parents: Murdered by a slaver when his parents refused to let him be taken into slavery


Early Life: Rock traveled around the Midwest, where he grew up, in the 2240's. A band of raiders killed his parents to protect him and he raised himself until he settled in Montana and met a girl he fell in love with at an early age


Teen Years: At 16 he impregnated the girl he loved, Jenny, and ran away with her when her parents wouldn't let them see each other anymore. He met up with a ghoul in southern Montana named John who told him of a great Pre-War city untouched by the bombs in Nevada called New Vegas. With Jenny's father hiring mercenaries to bring back his little girl and his grandson, Rock decides to make the trek to New Vegas with John and his family to begin again. After heading south, they turned west and the group's caps ran out somewhere in western Arizona where they settled in a small tribal village for what they thought would be the rest of their days. After coming back from a hunt one day Rock found that only ashes and bodies remained of the town, as the Legion had come through and executed or enslaved everyone there. John had been crucified, and told rock that they had abducted his young son after they raped and enslaved his wife. He was then ambushed by a small band of Legion Frumentarii and left for dead. He managed to crawl his way out of the village and headed west to warn anyone he met of the Legion's advance.


Needing more caps, he began bringing in bounties put out by the Desert Rangers of Nevada and soon forgot about his quest to warn others in the west about the Legion. He went after many dangerous targets, during which time he found a pair of custom revolvers that had belonged to a Pre-War military officer, and an old rifles used by a bighorner rancher until his ranch was raided by fiends. Many of his targets were slavers, and he killed every one of them in retribution for his lost friends and family. He became known in the East as the "Scourge of Slavers" during his time as abounty hunter. He killed most of his bounty targets as he slowly realized that killing was the only thing he had ever been good at and slipped into a depression. When the NCR arrived in the Mojave, he began hunting for them as well. This lead to his crossing the Legion and every major slaver in the wasteland as he became infamous to slavers, fiends, murderers, and legionaries throughout the desert. Shortly before the first Battle of Hoover Dam, Rock was nearly killed tracking a Legion raid party led by Joshua Graham himself. After being cut across the face several times by a machete, he was saved from the killing blow by an NCR Ranger who killed most of the legionaries but died as a result.


He joined NCR forces at the first battle of Hoover Dam with many other mercenaries and bounty hunters. Mant legionaries died by his hand, but after the battle he found his son's body in a pile of dead legionaries. His son hadn't been a slave, but was conscripted into service by the Legion and had died when Boulder City was destroyed. Rock vowed never again to take up his guns in hatred and moved to a small ranch just outside of Primm where he locked up his guns for good and put his bounty hunter dister in the deepest, darkest part of the closet.


How did he/she become a courier: Soon after putting away his guns he signed on as a courier for Johnathan Nash and the Mojave Express. His vast traveling in his younger years made the job an easy and quiet one that he worked for four more years. After a few years of quiet living, his past catches back up to him when one of the Chairman, named Benny, ambushes him near Goodsprings. Benny tells him he was sent by Jenny's father to find him after he made a name for himself as a bounty hunter, and that her father blames him for her death and wants him killed in return. Benny shoots him in the head and takes one of his fingers with him to show to her father, who is waiting in New Vegas for Benny to return with proof that the deed is done. After being patched up by Doc Mitchell he embarks on a journey to Vegas where he feels he can settle things once and for all.

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Name:Maria Theresa Gonzalez

Gender: Female

Age: 28

Race: Hispanic

Combat Style: Ranged and Ranger hand-to-hand

Specialties: Sneak, unarmed, guns, survival, speech

Weaknesses: Everything else

Likes: walks in the waste, killing legionaries, hunting, cooking (weird)

Dislikes: Ghouls, Slavers, Raiders, cold-blooded Murderers

Wants: a quiet life where she can live in peace

Fears: Dying a violent death before she was ready

Friendly Factions: NCR, BOS, Followers of the Appocalypse, Great Kahns, various other factions

Enemy Factions: Raiders/Fiends, Legion, White legs

Companions: Rose of Sharon Cassidy (by the end), ED-E

Love interest?: currently debating between Cass and a female doctor living in New Reno

Parents: Father alive in NCR territory, Mother fomer BOS member (deceased)

Early life: Maria was born to a retired NCR ranger and woman from the BOS. she was eight when she realized that she was different. but is was not until she was twelve when she realized she was a lesbian.

Teen years: At thirteen, she came out to her parents, who, while shocked accepted her immediately. Her mother died three years later. At eighteen, she got a tattoo of the BOS symbol on her hip to remember her mother. She met a woman in the army three years into her term of service. the girl died during the first battle of hoover dam, and Maria was descharged due to a injury that left her left leg near crippled.

How did he/she become a courier?: She became a courier after her discharge, working for the NCR delivering packages. She got together with Catherine in New Reno, but details about their relationship after they met again are shrouded, as neither want to talk about it. She then signed on with the Mojave Express when the game begins.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name:Frank burney




Combat Style:Depends on the situation was know to take on legion and NCR forces with nothing but a throwing knives and hand to hand.Extremely deadly in long rang weapons and guns.

Specialties:Sabotage and knive weilding also was know the practice the art Hukuto shin ken

Weaknesses:Women,friends,and cruelty

Likes:Metal,Hanging out in free side with the kings,talking to boone about guns.talking to arcade about making new chems to help addicts,making cookies,cleaning knives,collecting rare armors.Loyalty honor,saving the waste,helping others and progression

Dislikes:Disrespect,dishonor,deception,anyone not looking to forward to humanity,cruelty towards helpless people.

Wants:a world were we can all work towards a brighter future were war and famine is not in your periphery

Fears:failing,the lonesome road.

Friendly Factions:none he walks the path alone,,he does however have connects with both legion and NCR.But mostly deals with the FotA

Enemy Factions: Fiends

Companions:boone (bestfriend) arcade(like an younger brother) LILY(grandmother type) cass( sister sorta deal going on) veronica( bestfriend and go to girl things tech related) rex(right hand)

Love interest?:whores


Early life:unknown

Teen years:About the time he turned 15 he wandered into the boneyard,,their he lived out his life working for the followers Little is know after that.

How did he/she become a courier?: Spent a lot of time in his late 20s doing odd jobs for the dock workers,,back breaking labor,He came across a young black man asking him did he want to earn cash a little faster.He joined the Courier association.Easy was the last thing this job was,mutants,raiders,aliens the whole lot,,,about 30 he was already a hardboild killer..by know he took a contract he would regret ...New Vegas they said,,,easy they said,,,

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: James Carver

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Race: The Hero (mod)

Combat Style: All kind of firearms but mostly use his signature weapon, the H&K MP7A1 he called Wasteland reaper and various model of sniper rifle, Close range melee or ranged combat, melee and unarmed fighting using combat knife, grenade and C4 expert.

Specialities: Shooting coward, threathening talk, executing people, killing paladin and enclave soldier easily, shattering super mutant master head, headshot, assembling gun and other tools in matter of minutes, expert medical, science, repairing abilities.

Weakness: Persuading people although able to do it but prefer using violence.

Likes: Drinking Whiskey and Vodka, Relaxing when not doing anything, watching movies, Gambling, Sniping, Finding Expensive Weapon in the wasteland, reading book, and modding weapon.

Dislikes: Cowards like goverment, raider, slaver, or thug, girls with skimpy dress, prostitute.

Wants: Creating a Private mercenary company, beats every major faction military general, revenge to NCR, a villa, uncover the secret of the pre-war and its knowledge and restoring the world to its old world glory.

Fears: Nothing. Because fear is just for coward and he hate coward.

Friendly Faction: NCR (being paid high as a merc. actually planning to destroy them), goodsprings, follower, Boomer, khans, enclave.

Enemy Faction: Caesar legion (because slavery are cowards), powder gangers (they just scum), fiend (they just a crazy chem addict).

Companion: Willow, Arcade, Veronica, Boone, Cass, J.T but prefer travelling alone.

Love Interest: Currently Willow although not interested in love .

Parent: An ex-Brotherhood paladin and NCR Captain. They first met while early NCR-Brotherhood War.

Early Life: Born In New Reno at January 2246, James grew up in military family. He even trained basic Paladin and NCR military training at age of 8. He even stopped a elite mercenary wearing T-51b power armor with one shot on the power armor reactor using a 9mm pistol. the explosion almost make his house burned unfortunately.


Teen Years: Wanted to explore the wasteland he leave his family when he was 15 years old. After leaving his house he decided to visit gun runners factory in boneyard to looking for a job and learning how weapon are made. He accepted to work there for two years.

after complete his contract he then visit hub to learn about bartering and other skill for 3 years.

One Day when going home he met a enclave undercover, Lt.Simon. he asked him to cripple NCR Goverment by any means. Offered a large sum of caps and loads of pre-war weapon and armor worth total of 10.000.000 caps, which something he like, he then agreed to Destroy NCR.

He then buy a journal book to write his life experience and continue his life in Hub. After go to Hub James then Heard a news about Mojave and thinking about Crippling NCR in there but he must hold his job because he must continue his journey.

He soon volunteer himself for joining NCR Military. Because his exceptional skill he quickly attain rank of captain in just three year at very young age. He Then Dream about making an official mercenary company from a elite company. He then make a squad of NCR Veteran ranger and 1st recon ace for his dream creating a private military company.

Already form a perfect squad he then gone AWOL with his squad but NCR give ultimatum for him to not joining NCR Military or Goverment again and placed bounty to his head worth 100.000 NCR dollar. He then continue the last five years by opening private military company service to people at high price.

he always succeding every mission but unfortunately one of his mission gone wrong because he ambushed by rogue Brotherhood Paladin Group And Enclave Special force. although they win most of his squad killed, he got a grievous wound on his body and his face. Lucky for him a follower doctor bring him to their outpost and treated there. he give the money he earned

After recovered he then receive a bad news about his parent assassination and quickly go home. When he go home he found that his parent are dead because shot by a high-end class energy weapon, a railgun. He .

Before leaving he notices something strange about his father dead because he died while wearing his power armor and railgun even can't penetrate power armor unless its use max-charged MF cell and only expert scientist, enclave or Brotherhood although even they rarely use it because its make energy rifle broken quickly and only used to kill power armor equipped soldier. Unfortunately the assassin dropped a bounty paper with photo of james and a bounty worth of 100.000 NCR dollar with address of NCR goverment. he then go to NCR goverment office but suddenly stopped by a rookie and found stolen enclave MF cell shipment, but he saw one of the guard guard that looks like one of his men while working as a merc. After knowing Jack is one of his former squad member he ask Jack to join him. Jack agree and they travel to shady sands together.

There, he working as a farmer. Suddenly he remembering the memory when he talk with the Enclave undercover. Someday unfortunately, while still digging he accidentally opened a deathclaw underground lair and cause terror to the town. Unfortunately one of the deathclaw killed Jack, losing his best friend he then kill every deathclaw he saw in the lair and killed its mother and all of the alpha male. After that he leave his uncle house and go to his house again but

He then hear about volunteering for first battle of Hoover dam. NCR Military know about his exceptional skill but also famed for his bad military and AWOL record, too valuable to let alone James soon picked for leading front line squad. when he and his squad charging all of his squad are killed by malphais elite legionnaire.

He even had to fight face-to-face with malphais, James almost win but he stunned because a misplaced stun grenade and Malphais Run out. After Victory he awarded medal for killing the most legionairre about 100 men or more and for almost beating the legate. Unfortunately, some goverment official want to erase James military and civilian record. They succeded but it just give James advantage for fulfilling his revenge.

He then settle down on boneyard for awhile before going to mojave again.


How did he became a courier: Get bored because he had nothing to do.

Edited by james221
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