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Real Journal (replaces the menu-based journal system)


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I'm not sure if this was done before, but I would like to request an overhaul of the journal system to replace the menu-based journal which, imo, breaks immersion. My ideas for the features of this mod:

- Replaces the menu-based journal with an-in game book.

- Quests and completed quest entries are updated automatically in the book.

- Fonts are similar to other in-game books.

- May also include drawn maps and map markers.

- Entries are clue-based; that is, you have to glean clues from the entries.


Why? Well, I got this idea after reading the in-game books about Red Eagle and Gauldur, and enjoying those quests. And I'm tired of having to go through the immersion-breaking experience of opening the menu-based journal, over and over again. Also, wouldn't it be great to take out your journal and read about all the heroic deeds you have done? I know there's a journal mod out there which you allows you to make your own journal entry, but I don't want to force myself our of the game to write about slaying a giant for a Jarl. If I were a modder, I'd make it myself, but I'm a gamer and I'd rather play the game. ;) Mods make this game better. Big shout-outs to all Skyrim modders: Thank You!

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