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So I am trying to make the whole player.CreateFullActorCopy work out as a companion. Question is, how do make the dialog work? Should I just add dialog options for the player itself, or would the clone not be the player anymore? Is there a way for me to get the reference id of the player clone, like some kind of GetLastReferenceMade or something?

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You could create a new faction in the CS and new dialogue topics to everyone belonging to that faction (set faction membership as a requirement in topics). Then new AI packages with 'must complete' and follow player. To the topics result scripts "AddScriptPackage YourFollowPackage" and such. Then in-game use console to add the copy to that faction (and probably AddTopic to add your topics if you do not want to make a script for it in CS and so on). He/she should then have the new topics available and they should make him/her available as a follower.


To put it simply. Unless you already have a follower mod that allows you to recruit anyone and manage anyone. Vanilla Oblivion follower 'systems' are per-NPC and utterly insufficient in regards to options. There is no way to recruit just anyone without mods. And I have never used any follower system mods for the game, so I do not know if any mod allows to recruit anyone. There might be one somewhere, though.:)

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I understand all the stuff about adding topics, packages, and what nots. I even figured to make the player clone part of another faction for dialog.


Thing is I want to make this an automated scripted process that makes the player clone, get's whatever new reference ID is created, and add faction/packages/etc to the clone. I don't want any people that download it to use the console to make it work as to avoid immersion breaking.


How can I detect the clone's reference ID via scripting?

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How can I detect the clone's reference ID via scripting?

Well, according to the WiKi article about the function CreateFullActorCopy returns it.


If you're interested in a more or less complete framework for things to do to the actor copy once created, there's a script doing something along that line coming with Shivering Isles (means it's inside Oblivion.esm once SI was installed).

Slight SI Main Quest spoiler explaining it:


There's a quest at one point of the SI main quest where you have to fight a "dark" copy of yourself, wearing all that you wear, preferring the same weapons and combat style you do (or at least that's what it felt like to me), and generally being just "like you" only an "evil" version of yourself (they add some fancy dark aura shader effect and such to distinguish the copy from you and make it feel more "corrupted" or something). I investigated the script doing the cloning and everything, and I think it might provide some useful lines to your intended way of going about it.


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