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[Mod Request]Finisher Execution Animation rate increases

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Modifying the game file can improve the odds, for example, the geralt_skills.xml file can be modified to improve the probability of animation


That would be nice. But the problem is that, after patch 1.08, it seemed that the priorities are different than before, when fighting multiple human enemies, or so it seems. Before it was easier to trigger an animation (or at least a finisher). Now it seems that when an enemy is "killed" (when I say "killed", I mean when his stamina / lifebar is depleted), he stands still holding his own neck, the "X" displayed over his head to deal the finishing blow, but Geralt just focuses on the next enemy automatically. This is with auto-finishers on OR off, and when auto OR manually (R3 button) focusing an enemy.

Edited by rotchild
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yup saw it this morning. This man is a god.


Ah alright. Good :)



Thank you so much even though i've taken a break from the game i'd like to show my appreciation someone actually fulfilled my wish!

No problem man, although you should thank him. Hope you enjoy it.

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