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skyrim.exe problem - Drives me crazy! need help please.


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Hey guys, I've been having trouble with my skyrim game . I installed requiem and I had some hard time with that java executable patcher thingy , eh and after hours of forums and stuff I finally installed it . But my game had some freezing moments ( probably due to other mods not deleted properly) and at some point when I clicked on skyrim - 1 second of cursor buffering and ..nothing .. nexus mod manager: same thing , Skse- same thing , skyrim.exe from main folder ofc , the same . Basically none of those started anymore , it juts did a 1 sec animation of cursor buffering and then nothing . didn't even show up in processes . So I reinstalled skyrim , and then the same thing happened again . I made sure I was running as administrator , nothing! only on the .exe file it stated that I need the dx..7 something audio dll.... so I installed direct x again . The error dissapeared but nothing and absolutely nothing happens when i click on launcher , exe / skse etc.


I was running skyrim enb without fps drops and stuff so my pc can handle it . I imagined mby It's just time to reinstall my windows , because it was full of junk.

Finished installing skyrim again , nothing. Oh wait ! yeah the direct x ! Installed it ...............and................nothing ...........


Now I want to Fus Ro Dah my laptop out the window . ofc everything else works fine..



Any ideas?

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Are you using Mod Organizer at all? I say that because it creates profiles and running the game outside of the profile does weird things. Even though you said you're using NMM.


If not then I'd say your Windows install is not healthy. I usually shy very much away from registry clean up tools but if you've got other software blowing up on you besides Skyrim then that may be an option. I'd say CCleaner or iobit's System Care, those are two I've used and have had little problems with. I would recommend that be a last resort though.


You should run CHKDSK in a command prompt on your hard drives too. If you have consistency or physical errors it can prevent a core needed file from loading and might affect Skyrim, NMM, and any app that works with Skyrim.


Run MalwareBytes too and do a full heuristics scan. For a secondary check you can download and run Kaspersky's free virus test. Once you know your PC is working right and clean of any unwanted software the game can be dealt with pretty quickly. For all it's stuff Skyrim is actually pretty easy to get going, if not a bit of a process. It's so worth it though. Let us know how you make out with those checks.

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Hey thanks man , that CCleaner worked! Well....if i think of it i had mod organizer installed before the windows reinstall but i only used it once . So after the reinstall I only used mod organizer

instead of nexus mod manager and i eventually had the same problem repeating a few minutes ago . So i ran that cc and from mod organizer is not opening as usual , not even the launcher , but when I start it with Steam , it does . So yeah , to the trash with mod organizer and ill only use nexus or be a productive lad and install the mods manually .

Thanks for the tip bro , you just saved an innocent computer from the fury of my warhammer :tongue:

Edited by hitman4hire43
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