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What mods should I really install?


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Well tesnexus doesn't really have a top 100 of Morrowind files and it has been YEARS since I played Morrowind so I was wondering what Morrowind mods are a must.


I already have MGE, unofficial patches and high res textures but what else should I install?

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You might want to check out PlanetElderScrolls. Nexus has a far, far larger collection of Oblivion mods, but PES has a strong edge on Morrowind. Just select clothes for your search category, and you'll get 8 pages' worth of content. Westly's ambitious replacement project sounds great, but it hasn't been finished, yet. Check out the others, and decide what you like.
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Oh and another question: I know I need MWSE for some mods but I also want to use Morrowind FPS optimizer to change my fov and aspect ratio.

How can I start the game with both these enabled?


I wouldn't use MWSE unless you see a mod that requires it which you really want to play. You change your aspect ratio and FOV using MGE (which has a built in version of MWSE so you don't need to install MWSE seperately) not FPS optimiser. PlanetElderscroll is definitely your best bet for Morrowind mods and there are many threads and active posters that would help you out with mods, graphics and otherwise on the official forums.

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I noticed some texture mods don't work (like Darknuts mod that adds sharper textures to creatures)

Ive already searched online but other people who have this problem all have the steam version. I bought my Morrowind and expensions when they were released.


Anybody has any idea how to fix this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Little bump :P


I think Darknut put his retextures in a specific folder based on the texture resolution (512 or 1024). Check so that you have put the dds. files from the specific folder into the Morrowind Textures folder. This was a great issue with his armor retexture, dunno if it apply to this download though :P


There's a great variety of mods out there that improves the armors with bump-mapping, better meshes etc. It's just a bit hard to find these somethimes. I'll provide you with the links of you're still around.

Edited by johanrosen
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